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KS hairdos only work on player NPC, how do i get them to work on a follower NPC ? Is it a case of copying the meshes and textures from the KS list and dropping them into the followers meshes/textures folder to replace existing ?

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Easiest way is to just use wigs.    Use a follower framework that allows outfit control, and you can add a wig to a follower.  There are a fair few mods that add wigs, including SMP ones.

Replacing hair on an NPC is not a very trivial task.   You need to alter their head mesh under meshes/actors/character/facegendata/facegeom, replacing the hair shape(s) within it with the new shapes from KS, and then making changes in the .esp for actor head parts list to match updated head mesh.    If you are just doing it for yourself, you can just use the textures in morph files in KS Hairdo's folders.   If you are planning to release it, you need hair textures and .tri files included in the mod.  


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