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A Question of Logic


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Can anyone explain the logic behind the manufacture of ammunition. 1 piece of firewood is used in the manufacture of 24 arrows, each of which will be approx 30 inches ( or 75 cm as near as dammit ) yet it is only possible to turn out 10 quarrels each of which will only be about 6 inches ( 15 cms ) . One would expect to get at least 4 times as many quarrels to arrows for the same amount of wood. Does anyone know of a mod that addresses this quirk?

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Ok, Steel Arrow recipe is 1 firewood + 1 steel ingot = 24 steel arrows.
Steel bolt recipe is 1 firewood + 1 steel ingot = 10 steel bolts.    

I think the limiting factor here is the steel, not the wood.   A crossbow bolt head is a fair bit larger and heavier than an arrowhead.

That said, you can always fire up Creation Kit, make sure you load Dawnguard.esm as one of master files.   In Object Window, under Items  Constructible Objects.

Say you want to change the output of Steel Bolt recipe:   you edit 'DLC1RecipeTechBoltSteel' form, just put a different number in 'Created Object Count'.    Save your plugin, make sure to enable it in your mod manager, done.

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Thanks Scorp10,

I've never been able to sort out the skyrim creation kit, I was OK with Morrowind and had a bit of a dig in Oblivion, but the Skyrim kit leaves me at the starting line! You have to appreciate that I'm a 70 y/o Grey haired old fart who is now finding it difficult to learn new tricks. 

However, having spent a large proportion of my life practicing and teaching many Martial Arts, I would beg to differ over the Steel aspect, compare, say, a medieval Bodkin arrowhead to a bolt from the same era and you will find that there is virtually no differance in the amount od metal used .

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