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Modded Creation Kit Help


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So, I'm trying to import my character into Creation Kit through the npc option, but my mods that I have for the character are not working. I made the character through the Lunar Lattice Beta and Lunar Lattice tweaks through the race menu mod, but I can't figure out how to import my character as the race from the mods into the Creation Kit. When I first go to data, it shows the mods and I click to make them active, but after that, nothing works as far as importing her and the race doesn't show up when I try to select the race for her in the actor creation. I've been trying to find a way for hours to export my character so I can port her head and body mesh into blender then to another game and nothing has worked, so I'm turning to the modding server for help. I did try to export the nif file through the race menu sculpt and port that into blender, but the neck is on top of the head and I don't know how to fix that, plus that did not come with the body mesh for my character which is why I'm turning to Creation Kit. I don't know what to do, so whatever help I can get would be really appreciated.



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You were on the right track in that you exported the head from Racemenu.   Here is what you should do, but before that, you need to sort out the weight.   If you want your model to be on a skinnier side, be sure to set Weight slider to 0 before head export.   If you want  'heavier' look, use weight 1.   DO NOT use other values.

  1. Open the exported head file in NifScope, and next to it, open the _dbhood.nif file that I attached here.
  2. After you expand their root nodes,  locate and click "NiNode    NPC Head [Head]"    node in both files.
  3. In the properties below, in the hood file, click on 'Translation' and Ctrl+C
  4. In the properties  of the head, click on Translation (it should have 0 for X, Y and Z), and Ctrl+V to paste the values from the hood file
  5. In same exact fashion, copy-paste the 'Rotation' values from hood to head.
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 for NiNode:  NPC Spine2 [Spn2].    And, if the head file has nodes 'NPC R Clavicle' or 'NPC L Clavicle', do steps 2-5 for those as well.
  7. Save the head mesh which should now be looking correctly.

For the body, assuming you use CBBE and it is a woman, you want to use BodySlide.    Choose 'CBBE Body' or 'CBBE Body Physics', or 'CBBE 3BBB Body Amazing' if you got 3BA, select the CBBE preset you wish to use, and Ctrl-click the Build button.  Do the same for 'CBBE Feet' and 'CBBE Hands'.    Now, in Data\CalienteTools\BodySlide, you will find femalebody_0 and _1.nif, femalehands_0/_1.nif femalefeet_0/_1.nif files.    If you exported head at weight 0, use the _0 files.   Otherwise, use the _1 files.

For a male body, you generally want to do a similar thing, but with HIMBO.


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