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Broken dwemer crossbow trigger model issue


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I simply dunno how to fix it, I have no mod that modify its model and SSEdit says everything that touched it is still using the vanilla model, its only for the dwemer crossbow any other one have no problem

Validating files didn't do anything despite a few being tagged a corrupted

Deleting dawnguard.esm and redownloading it via verify file didn't work either


Edited by alphafr
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The problem would not be in the .esm.   Something is messing with TriggerCtrl bone in the crossbow skeleton.

Either your crossbow model itself is somehow messed up (meshes\dlc01\weapons\dwarven crossbow\dwarvencrossbow.nif) - if you don't have that file, then it is likely still in the .bsa.   If one extracts that model and slightly increases Z translation on the TriggerCtrl bone, it becomes exactly like in your picture.

Or, your crossbow skeleton file is affected by something (meshes\dlc01\weapons\crossbow\character assets dwarven\skeleton.hkx)

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Deleted the mesh BSA redownloaded it and still bugged


I just don't understand why specifically the dwemer crossbow is bugged, I use vanilla model with vanilla animation, the regular crossbow is unaffected same for any modded crossbows only 4 mod touch it and its purely stats but issue persist even when all off on a new game

Preview in CK with the last mod that modifies it as active file shows the crossbow as it should be


meshes\dlc01\weapons\crossbow\character assets dwarven\skeleton.hkx


There is no character asset folder at all for me, only the .nif files


Edited by alphafr
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