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Which mod is reducing the damage of my shouts?


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As the title suggests.  I have too many mods to isolate which is the culprit.  My only suspects are ADXP and it's requirements, or Elden Rim and it's requirements.  Shouts still work and all their unique functions, but damage dealing ones, like fire breath, or drain vitality, are only doing about 10 damage at the full 3 words.  Ooh, perhaps Valhalla Combat?  Thanks.

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You can load up SSEEdit and check if any mod overrides your shout forms.    It is also possible that it is being done via a perk - so you can use More Informative Console to see what non-vanilla perks you have. 

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Thanks for the advice.  I tried both but am running into issues.  With SSEEdit it crashes and gives no errors or log.  And More Informative Console's keyboard commands aren't working as in it's instructions.  What I'll probably do when I find the motivation is just use the creation kit and play with the damage until I push the values through whatever's limiting the shouts.  I seldom use shouts when I have the mods that make combat so much more engaging anyway.  With that said, didn't mean to waste your time.  Thanks again!

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