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Blender exporting problems, possibly lost a lot of work.


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To preface, I haven't used Blender in many, many years, and wasn't exactly proficient with it then. I've been working on a Pip-Boy mod, and have finished the model changes and tried to export the finished model, but was greeted with a ton of errors. Apparently upon importing the nif, either Blender or the nif plugin stripped out shader type and shader flags from several entries. After doing some searches I solved that issue only to have a new set of errors when I tried again. Apparently the import/export functionality doesn't work on the latest version of Blender with the nif plugin and everyone recommends using v2.49. I was already worried about trying to open a blend file made in v.4.0, but I did that next anyway, installing Python v2.6 (and 2.5.4 later when it did not work) and Blender v2.49. And of course it couldn't open it. Blender v2.49 gave a warning message saying that it was made in a different version and would probably lose some information like animations, would I like to continue anyway. There was no visible yes or no buttons, just Okay? at the top of the dialogue box. Clicking Okay did nothing but close the popup same as if I moused away from dialogue box.
My question is, did I really lose all of my work? Because if I did, I give up and don't even want to keep going and do all of that work all over again.


*Edit: I just found out about Pynifly and it was able to export that nif, but all information like shader type, flags, object types etc. have been stripped out, some of which I see no way to change. The pip-boy light mesh was also stripped of it's vertex shading, alpha, and is now solid green with no transparency. It is also one of the items I can't find a way to fix, because it was changed during the export to BSShaderTextureSet instead of the single NiTextureSource entry for the white effect texture.

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I have never been able to port from a newer version of Blender back to 2.49b using the .blend format. For statics, I have had a lot of success by exporting the mesh as an obj and then importing the obj in 2.49b, but that doesn't work for anything with rigging since obj doesn't include rigging.

But you might try some of the other formats that 2.49b can import. Don't use fbx since while 2.49b can import and export fbx it is known to have a lot of bugs. But there might be some other format that you can use.

Edited by madmongo
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Yeah, I'm just gonna call it quits on this one. I went ahead and tried exporting the mesh as an .obj and importing that one into the pipboy.nif anyway just to see if it might work, and it messed up all of the shading to the point that it wasn't worth it. 😞 I wish there had been a warning on the NifTools page that it only worked properly on a much older version of Blender so I could have avoided all this.

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