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As people just repeat themselves...


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I find I have to say it here myself. Universal Actor Scale Remover does not stop component resizing in the Robot Workbench. Hellfire, Abbalovesyou's mod (a completely vital glory) predates Automatron entirely as far as I know.

A similar mod needs to be made to stop robot bits from shifting size based on what you're glomping them onto. The resizing issue becomes much more noticeable when modded robot parts get added to the mix, such as putting any regular torso onto Securitron wheels.

I mentioned this in the Securitron bug reports as part of the related issue of Securitrons shrinking when assigned to security posts but someone just suggested UASR again. It's not even a "vanilla bug", it's a vanilla trait, and fixing those is one of the main motives of modding to start with.

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