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-I apologize in advance. English is not my first language.
Hello, everyone. First of all, I would like to say that I am pleased to be a part (even if not the most active) of a large and creative community. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who makes custom modifications, at least in words. Thank you very much. Of course I've encountered difficulties with desktop crashes, corrupted saves and other things, but I'm convinced that in most cases (and possibly all) there are only two people to blame: Todd Howard and myself. Because of my attempts to bring the game to its most fun state, I've been writing this post without sleeping for two days. But that's nothing compared to the amount of time people stayed awake so that I could see, for example, the game time on my interface. And so, a couple hours ago I had an idea, and when I have an idea I always find a mod for it, but not this time. I've seen various modifications to fix and customize Valentine, but did not find what I was looking for, namely a quest. A quest in which all his old wounds and scars are revealed in more detail and the end of which is his complete restoration, perhaps even with human skin and getting a full-fledged personality that redefines his consciousness of an old detective (I mean very old, because he remembers about fitness trainers on the stairs). Yes, there's a modification with a mission about him and there's a separate modification on his repair and restoration, but I think Nick deserves something... Bigger. Like maybe Virgil escaped from the Institute with someone. And that someone might have something to do with Nick and bring his old cases or connections to that someone. Eventually just an idea, maybe someone has thought of it, maybe someone is even already doing this modification, but I just hope it happens. Thanks for your attention.

Edited by Rave13
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His memory cache issues and frankly highly stressed hardware are a major part of his issues. My idea has long been for someone to find a synth like Sammy (the one that got shot up by Goodneighbor's triggerman patrols) then volunteer the lawbreaker to be Nick's new host in the manner of Curie's transfer in Emergent Behavior. He'd appreciate the irony since the Nick Valentine braintape was created in the first place as part of mandatory counseling after Nick's gal Jenny got killed and Eddie Winter got his immunity deal.

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I'd be up for a mod to at least service and repair his synth body.

Perhaps even in two ways, one where as director of the Institute you order them to fix him up, and confused but obedient they set to it - dusting off the antiquated parts and tools.

And another where you have to talk to experts on robotics and the Institute and to destroy a number of gen 2's for parts.

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The main reason I'm so interested in Nick the Third (Sorry, Naomi, but third-gen synths being vat-grown humans with implant tech in the driver's seat, they have exceeded even Professor Armitage's dream) is that memory limits don't happen with humans unless degeneration (natural or otherwise) starts working against the brain. Long-term memory is essentially .7z compression of experiential short-term memory and recalling older memories is a matter of decompressing the data into working cogitation. Nick's hardware does have all his braintape data and later experience but everything since he was activated is .wav format, uncompressed, and taking up a whole hell of a lot of limited space. It's amazing no one's offered to set up a terminal for the overage and I wouldn't put it past Amari to have set up a private memory pod for Nick as... a memory pod for Nick.

The point is, the human brain remains the largest drive around, it's just not all that efficient and it's very biodegradable.

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