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7 Days To Die

help request x2


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I have two items i need help with for my mod:

(1) i have a custom armor set which is essentially a modified version of two pieces of the assassins and 2 of the rogues, i need to add them to progression.xml and, to be honest, that's one XML I dont understand in the slightest. Anyone want to create that using a generic term for each armor piece (helm, outfit, gloves, and boots), i can sub in my gear names and run with it... i do want my tier's altered, but that's not required at this time

(2) i need a customized XUI, i think it's called so when my 'collector' is filling up it doesnt open and show 'dew collector' with slots for those tools; i was not able to discern how XUI works

any help would be appreciated and, i am still hoping to find a way to make a specific workbench

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  • 3 weeks later...

I still need help here with progression.xml and my armor... i've reread the entries in the original file and i have a better understanding of what's being done there, but still have no idea how to add my own armor to unlock each tier when a specific set of circumstances are met...

specifically, i want my armor tiers to unlock based on character level, not book skill level, but i cannot ascertain how to accomplish this in progression.xml since it's entirely based on the reading of books to gauge what's crafteable and what isnt

ANY help would be appreciated...

as for the custom xui i requested, i've dropped that part of the mod, due to the lack of community here, i've given that up as impossible due to the 'programmatic' nature of this feature and my lack of understanding of that aspect of 7DtD...

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Example my radiated clothes:
  example   recipes:   
  <recipe name="GHO_RadiatedHelmet" count="1" craft_time="20" is_trackable="true" craft_area="workbench" tags="learnable,workbenchCrafting">   here insert learnable
example   item:
<item name="GHO_RadiatedHelmet">
      <property name="UnlockedBy" value="craftingMedical"/>   <<<<<    anwehre you must insert this line in your items (example Medical)
example   progression:
<append xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingMedical']">  <here must you must  the same kind of skill like in the recipes> 
        <display_entry icon="armorAssassinHelmet" name_key="GHO_RadiatedHelmet" has_quality="false" unlock_level="75" >    <<< This is the unlock level 75
            <unlock_entry item="GHO_RadiatedHelmet" unlock_tier="1" />
            <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="75,100" value="1" tags="GHO_RadiatedHelmet"/>   <<< This the same too 75
every part of your armor need that
have fun
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