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SOLVED: SkyUI AIO survival SAS 7.5 AE squished inventory display (in 1.6.1170)


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Sorry for yet more dumb questions... (there'll probably be lots of them over the next week or so)

I'm using a 27" 1080p wide screen. Skyrim SE 1.6.1170

I just installed SkyUI 5.2, SkyUI SE - Difficulty Persistence fix, and SkyUI AIO Survival 7.4

I chose SAS and extended from the Fomod for the AIO mod.

The resultant inventory display is squished (and text is tiny). - Game itself looks fine, MCMs look fine.

could used a bit of advise...



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Bethesda added wide screen support.  As such any mods prior that utilized their own or other widescreen implementations either need to be updated or utilize a mod that removes Bethesda's wide screen support.  Here is one such mod, please note that I have not tested whether it works with SkyUI SAS.  But I did find it mentioned within the SkyUI SAS comments as a workable solution. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/136793

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20 minutes ago, IsharaMeradin said:

Bethesda added wide screen support.  As such any mods prior that utilized their own or other widescreen implementations either need to be updated or utilize a mod that removes Bethesda's wide screen support.  Here is one such mod, please note that I have not tested whether it works with SkyUI SAS.  But I did find it mentioned within the SkyUI SAS comments as a workable solution. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/136793

Worked like a charm. Thank you.

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