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About "Pull the plug" and Mandela Effect (Thicket Excavations)


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39 minutes ago, 363rdChemicalCompany said:

I use the waternorads.esp and never looked back. (its not on Nexus, the one on nexus doesnt work)

Real world water is a great shield against rads and does not retain them like in the Game.

radioactive elements which are all hevaier than H20 would be flushed out of rivers to the sea and there go to the deepest areas and stay there.

Also with nuclear explosions the Istopes responseible for most of Fallout are the most active ones and therefore decay the fastest. wihtin days that is. Cobalt 60 could in theory stick around longer ( form purpose designed bombs ot impose long term fallout) but even that would be all goine within a few halflives.

200 yrs after the war there should be no rads anywhere.

Now there is  a mod on Nexus that rewrites all the dialogue to be 60 years and makes Shaun stolen shortly after the bombs.

If it was  a lot of Cobalt bombs there might be still some measurable residual radiation though nothing on the level as described in the game.



We will simply assume that in fo4 physicists have created a fundamentally different nuclear weapon. For example, the ultra-dense shells of Uranus 238, 1 ton per inch, compressed during pressure testing in an artificial event horizon. 😁 The only thing that cannot be explained is the radiation storm. But I just think there are some problems with the Sun in the Fo4 world. The sun attacks raiders with plasma on Mondays. 🙂

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