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Skyrim 1.6.1170 users: Does mod The Ruins of Mharzurk SE work?


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I see a  download for 1.5.97, a download for 1.6.640 or GOG +1130.0.8, and finally, a download for "AE(1.6.353)"

Anyone else in the 1.6.1170 camp using it successfully? And if so, which download are you using?

Yes, I know I can jump down the rabbit hole. But I don't want to jump down the rabbit hole if I don't have to. My ankles are both already sore enough. 😉


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That mod does not contain and .dll plugins.    I would imagine the author simply updated it and now it uses some forms that are only available in AE version masters.   

For example,  if I create an armor mod and its armor pieces make use of Survival_* keywords (defined in Update.esm), it will only work with AE version.   However, dependencies like those are always forward-compatible.    A .dll plugin designed for version 1.6.353 might fail to work with 1.6.1170.   But a mod using forms from a given version should definitely work with an even newer version.


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2 hours ago, scorrp10 said:

That mod does not contain and .dll plugins.    I would imagine the author simply updated it and now it uses some forms that are only available in AE version masters.   

For example,  if I create an armor mod and its armor pieces make use of Survival_* keywords (defined in Update.esm), it will only work with AE version.   However, dependencies like those are always forward-compatible.    A .dll plugin designed for version 1.6.353 might fail to work with 1.6.1170.   But a mod using forms from a given version should definitely work with an even newer version.


Ok so no dll plugin. so the plugin didn't need update for SKSE (is that right? Am I interpreting that correctly?)

As to the second part, I'm a bit fuzzier on what you wrote. I ~kinda understand, but it still leaves me wondering which of the two possible selections (sans the 1.5.97 variant)  might work..

Since you seem more savvy than me re: Skyrim in general, Let me ask this if I can.

Were it you, which variant would you pick to roll the dice with? (no strings attached... just need a bouncing board)

The 1.6.640 or GOG +1130.0.8?

Or the "AE(1.6.353)"?


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File description is quite clear:

Requires AE v1.6.640. Can be use for GOG version and the latest AE v1.6.1130.  (1130 was the latest AE release at the ttime this file was uploaded)

So I would use version 1.6.353 only if I was still using 1.6.353.    For 1.6.640 and beyond, the 1.6.640 version.

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Thanks @scorrp10. Installed with no issues.

I'll post back later, as soon as I'm leveled enough to tackle the quest, just to tidy up and close the post with a more definitive ending (for any future folk who are as dense as me about this stuff)

talk to me about physics or engineering or astronomy or history or plate tectonics, that's one thing, but gaming....i'ze generuhlee as ignant and dumm as uh  bocks uh rocks, or can be, figgeruhtivlee anywayz

And again, thanks for your patience. some things I see very clearly, others are as opaque to me as a brick wall

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