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Conditions for scrapping

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I have an issue:


Whenever I make a scrap recipe I want to use a condition so it only applies to the current location or worldspace.

But when I use the condition like "GetinCurrentLocation == MyLocation" it doesnt' work. Suddenly the scrap recipe gets global.


Any thoughts?



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Nice idea indeed. 

I applied it to an interior workbench: created a keyword (my KYW), gave it to the location and set it as condition to run on subject with the function LocationHasKeyword (my KWY) ==1 to the COBJ.

I could scrap all things listed in the FormLlist in the interior cell, BUT then the same stuff, usually not scrapable, could be scrapped also in an exterior vanilla location (which of course does not have "my KWY").

Which was my mistake? Could it be in the Recipe Filter (which in both cases is just WorkshopRecipeFilterScrap)? Could it be the way the condition was running on?

Was an example published? I just checked SKK's Natick Warehouse Settlement (a reference for me) and the method was not apply there as far as I can tell.

Edited by RolazLaguna
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That method is in Scavver faction RedRocket workshops to scrap specific base game stuff only in those workshops.

Look at SKK_RRBaseGameScrapList_co [COBJ:180044F0] in SKKRedRocketWorkshopsFaction.esp

Also in a couple of my mods that open up Covenant to enable [ scrapall ] on statics there.

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