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My script RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime is not working, help is welcome

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Yep first of all your script works perfectly...Just tested it...however as you mentioned the 24 hours lapse is no longer in the script I am starting over with your script and think of ways to implement the time lapse...Thanks again. Will report wit my "hopefully" final script.

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One thing you might have to realize is that your initial idea did not guarantee it either.     I.e. if  last OnUpdateGameTime  happened 23 game hours before the quest got completed, the house would get disabled just one game hour later.

Scriptname aaaDisableFarmhouse02DestroyedScript extends ObjectReference

GlobalVariable Property GameDaysPassed Auto ; filled with GameDaysPassed
Float Property CompletionTime = 0.0
Quest Property CollegeQuest Auto

Event OnLoad()
  If isEnabled()
    If CollegeQuest.IsCompleted() && (GameDaysPassed.GetValue() - CompletionTime) >=1.0

Function SetCompletionTime()
  CompletionTime = GameDaysPassed.GetValue()

So the question now is to find some way to call that SetCompletionTime() function.  One nice option is take a line of dialogue that WILL be said right before quest completion.

In MG08 quest, PlayerDialoguie tab, Stage50TandilFreeBranch/MG08Stage50TandilFreeTopic   ("We knew you would succeed"), does not have a script attached 
So you can add a fragment to it - general process is you put a semicolon in the fragment window, click compile, it will generate a script.    Then, you add a property called, say, 'FarmHouse' of ObjectReference type, filled with that house ref.

Then you edit the fragment:

(FarmHouse as aaaDisableFarmhouse02DestroyedScript).SetCompletionTime()


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Hi everyone and thank you all for your help. I finally made it work. Basically our script will not work in a pristine manner because if I understand correctly you can not make a static/building a persistent ref.

The work arround is to use a xMarker attached the script below and link your building with the xMarker (enable parent). 

Scriptname aaaDisableDestroyedFarmhouse extends ObjectReference

Quest Property CollegeQuest Auto  
ObjectReference Property MyXMarker Auto  ; Reference to the XMarker linked to the destroyed building

Event OnCellLoad()
    Debug.Trace("aaaDisableDestroyedFarmhouse - OnCellLoad triggered")  
    if MyXMarker.IsEnabled()

Function CheckQuestCompletion()
    Debug.Trace("aaaDisableDestroyedFarmhouse - Checking quest completion")
    if CollegeQuest.IsCompleted()
        Debug.Trace("aaaDisableDestroyedFarmhouse - Quest completed, disabling in 48h")
        Debug.Trace("aaaDisableDestroyedFarmhouse - Quest not completed, checking in 24h")

Event OnUpdateGameTime()
    Debug.Trace("aaaDisableDestroyedFarmhouse - OnUpdateGameTime triggered")
    if CollegeQuest.IsCompleted()
        Debug.Trace("aaaDisableDestroyedFarmhouse - Disabling XMarker (and destroyed building)")
        Debug.Trace("aaaDisableDestroyedFarmhouse - Quest not completed, checking again in 24h")

What I wanted to do is disable this building and enable a brand new one at the same place. The above script is for disabling but by now you understand how it works. I believe that's the way they handle it in earthfire dlc

Thank you guys without  you I would have stopped looking for a solution.


Edited by MasterAub
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This may work sufficiently well for your purpose, but the handling of time is a bit strange, with different applicable delays depending on whether you visited the farm house area for the 1st time before or after completing the MQ08 quest.

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