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Radio Audio Attached to Pip-Boy


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A little immersion mod that'd make the Pip-Boy's radio actually come from the Pip-Boy (or the player character's body if a handheld Pip-Boy is used).

The Pip-Boy's radio will appear quieter to the player (the one behind the screen) the more you scroll out in third person and would pair well with mods that add a stealth penalty to using the radio.

Immersion! 🙂

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I don't know if this would be possible, can an audio marker or invisible radio be made to follow the player around? then there's a problem of being able to adjust the volume. It doesn't help that the audio on the PC version is a bit of a mess, things like reverb, sounds fading correctly don't work properly, the difference between the audio quality on the Xbox version and PC version is like night and day. 

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