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Collections question

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I would like some clarification on the current status (Feb 2025) of having multiple collections for the same game that can be quickly switched between.

I use the Constellations collection but would like to give Gate to Sovngarde a try. As I understand it, even with the profiles feature, I would need to completely uninstall all mods (not just disable) from one collection before installing mods for the other collection. This is because the staging folder is shared for all collections for the same game. Thus, without uninstalling the mods to clear the staging folder there will be issues with different fomod options or mod versions between the collections.

Is my understanding of how users need to switch between collections correct? It takes well over an hour to install Constellations once the mod archives are downloaded so I assume it would be about the same for GtS. That's a LOT of time wasted waiting for mods to be uninstalled and re-installed just to try out another collection.

Is there an option that I am not seeing to set a different staging folder for each collection or profile for the same game?

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