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Horses In Cities And Big Caverns


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for anyone with convenient horses, and like to loot everything, your horse (or pack mule) becomes very important to you. lore wise, why won't your horse be allowed in the cities (cows are) and why couldn't you take him/her down into places like blackreach or other dwemer structures or large areas (the doors are big enough)?


it would avoid the problem of "how did my horse follow me on the surface, while I was under ground in that dwemer city?"

Edited by Lupus590
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Convenient horses has that feature, I was thinking more of it can follow through the loading doors without you having to call it


there is also an area in solstine (dragonborn dlc) where a support beam is too low for your horse to pass though.


if no-one has made a mod like this then i may have to make it, which would mean learning the scripting language and how to use the creation kit...


secondary request: teach me how to create this mod

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there are script commands that could summon the players horse right? are there also a way to run this script when the player enters an area when the horse should be able to follow.


example code

if (player is in an area where the horse should be able to follow) and (horse is told to follow player) then
   teleport horse next to player

it may be time for me to learn how to mod/script




thanks, that partly answers my request



You could use the Opencities mod for your horses won't follow in cities problem.

And I agree, You should be able to get your horse into blackreach (once you found at least one elevator directly connecting blackreach and Skyrim). I hope you find a solution.

good point, but opencities will have an argument with my laptop and likely win, then my laptop will blame skyrim and crash, also i have a feeling that some other mods i have installed may be involved in an argument too.

(in non-metiphoric english) open cities will likely over tax my computer and make skyrim ctd, also i think i have some mods that will need a compatibility patch for it


i may look into it

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Happy to know, I'm not sure but I think that I actually found a mod for Blackreach. However it was a long time ago, and as I wasn't really interested in a mod for it (as with my character I never came back there anyway) so I don't remember where (Yes I know I'm a great help :wink:) but it is probably out there.

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