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Mod Idea Nuka-Gen replication machine.


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Nuka-World spoilers.

In the Nuka-World DLC you stumble upon the  Nuka-Gen replication machine inside the welcome center. You also find the following journal entry 

"This is Doctor Darren McDermot, last known survivor at the Safari Adventure Replication Facility continuing my personal recordings. I've been continuing to modify the Nuka-Gen Replicator to provide a source of food. It's ironic that the very same device Nuka-World was using to create its animal specimens for leisure has become integral to my survival. Using a tissue sample from a cow, I was able to replicate a viable clone, consume it as food, then use the remaining tissue to create another..."

The idea for this mod would simply be a workshop item, that would allow you to build a replicator in a settlement, with the view that it reproduces any biological material placed inside of it, so if you placed brahmin meat it would start producing brahmin meat and if you placed tarberrys it would reproduce them (not sure if the machine could replicate fruit in lore). 

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Using a protein soup (Organic salvage) and a bastardized version of the Institute Synth Maker, replicate foodstuffs including mod-added? It's got to be less sus than Soylent (and I say this gently as a longtime fan of both Shallow's Snacks mods)

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