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Halfway completed Wall Jumping Script in Oblivion


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Hello all, 

Thought I'd share some progress:
This is a recently made Wall-Jumping prototype script that is in a decent working state. (Video)


Idea going for is basic Foundational-Ability that is reasonable to the relevant Skills/factors, that can eventually be used by qualifying NPCs too once programmed to. (Advanced Wall-Jumps Abils could be integrated in more unique circumstances).

So far it can jump from all 8 angle key-inputs. It scales in utility according to several factors for a natural progression feel.

All the variables/formulas can easily be adjusted.
There's 1 Annoyance I've yet to resolve that isn't a major issue, I just like to simply/cleanly fix it. ( After a few successive jumps it can get stuck into auto-jumping off nothing .. a bug or a feature depending how you look at it .. Resolves if let go of 'controlKey' )

If Collision-Meshes are made more precise, the Wall-Jump would be more precise too.


--- Next Focus for this:

= Adjust the angle potential to be more precise, so it looks somewhat like this, and should feel natural:


( What we have now is only the 180 calculation )

It'd be cool to add animations, although I'm not an animator. The forward motion looks decent already.


- Next Features related to this likely to (hopefully) 'knock out' soon:
- Ledge-grabbing

- Ledge horizontal  movement

- Climb Up/Clamber/Drop

- Wall/Crevice-Climbing/Moving (with Depth and Corner Turning if can think it through)

- Wall-Running [would be after these/ a bit different]

-- All those would be contextual to the environment and physical objects, and eventually would need animations for each state to look polished.


Any thoughts/feedback?


Edited by UncheckedLake
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If this script is made to run every frame, sometimes you need to ignore keys for some time to not confuse or overflow some queue in Oblivion. This what I did in my flight script: 

if ctrl_disabled == 0
	if IsControlPressed 7 != 0
		if DrakeDragonRaceQuest.col_key == 0
			set DrakeDragonRaceQuest.col_key to 1 ; ignore further presses
			if DrakeDragonRaceQuest.disablecollisions == 0
				set DrakeDragonRaceQuest.disablecollisions to 1
				Message "Flight collisions disabled."
				set DrakeDragonRaceQuest.disablecollisions to 0
				Message "Flight collisions enabled."					
	if IsControlPressed 7 == 0 && DrakeDragonRaceQuest.col_key != 0
		set DrakeDragonRaceQuest.col_key to 0 ; stop ignoring key

In this part pressing a cast button will set up "no collision" flight mode flag.  However to avoid flipping it in and out and to not spam a message queue, a cast key is further ignored until pressed off again. I used quest variables, because this is a function script and so it will forget all local variables when returns.

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Thanks, I'll have to try something like that. That would be a good solution.
I'm also not sure if the issue with the auto-jumping on 'nothing' is because of a faulty reading of its main mechanism -- Basically, it's reading 1 , but should say 0.

It's happening right at the new-cycle frame, I think. But yes that solution should work block a faulty reading if it's just happening for that frame. (I was seeing the cycle-reading be 0 correctly, then the new-cycle frame appeared to read 1, allowing air-jumps)
It was also inconsistent -- Most times it would not lock into that glitch, just sometimes. Would like to confirm it's not from the rough-draft logic, causing that false-reading somehow, too.

Appreciate your insight.

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