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Cloaks making characters naked?


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Had this problem for awhile, but really just ignored it. for some reason certain cloaks  from Cloaks of Skyrim strip NPC's and me of chest armor. The armor is in the inventory, it just removes it. Has anyone had this problem with this mod before?

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sounds like a slot problem... load up ssedit for your load order and check out the armors in the cloak esp... if the final overwrite contains the 32 body slot (whether it's the original record or a patch), it will always replace armors/outfits, simple fix would be removing the 32 slot from final overwrite... if the armor ONLY contains the 32 body slot, then you can change it to a different slot in the record, AND make the slot change in the appropriate .nif mesh/es as well, they must match to be visible

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3 hours ago, radiusrsatti said:

sounds like a slot problem... load up ssedit for your load order and check out the armors in the cloak esp... if the final overwrite contains the 32 body slot (whether it's the original record or a patch), it will always replace armors/outfits, simple fix would be removing the 32 slot from final overwrite... if the armor ONLY contains the 32 body slot, then you can change it to a different slot in the record, AND make the slot change in the appropriate .nif mesh/es as well, they must match to be visible

How do I change it to a different slot?

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ARMO record in the cloaks esp, BOD2, first person body, change 32 to whatever you want to use

ARMA record directed by ARMO, repeat

in the .nif mesh of that armor, change the trishape/BSDismemberSkinInstance, in the bottom section Partitions/partitions/Body Part, to match whatever slot you want to use, in nifskope

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Looking at Cloaks of Skyrim, they are all defined as using armor slots 40 and 46.   Looking at actual meshes, they only  have partition 46.   Slot 40 is the tail for Khajiit and Argonians, so it is there to remove a tail when wearing a cloak.

Now, VAST majority of body armor items do not use slot 46.   Or 40, for that matter.   All vanilla stuff uses slots 32, 34, 38 (body, forearms, calves), with actual body armor pieces being 32 only.

So the question is - exactly what are you wearing on your body?    What race are you playing?   And do you by any chance have any mods that hide tail when wearing armor?   

My suggestion: be sure you got More Informative Console installed.   Drop both the cloak you are trying to wear and the chest armor it is incompatible with, on the ground.    Open console, click on the armor lying on the ground.   On the right side, it should tell the base form, the plugin in which it is initially defined, and the plugin that last modifies it.   Write those down.   Also, in the info window on top left, there should be an 'equip slots'  line.    Mouse over it an press Shift, to get the list of equip slots being taken by this armor.   Write those down as well.    Now click on the cloak lying on the ground, and write down the same info for the cloak.    Put that info up here.



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