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Martin's lines and Graphics


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So I recently started playing this again because I got an itch to go threw the Shivering Isles but before I knew it I was enjoying the base game again. Anyway I just got to the Blood of the Daedra quest and I was wondering, is there anyway that I can get my hands on Martin's reactions to all of the Daedric artifacts? I usually only give him Azura's Star but I would like to hear the others. A video that someone made or maybe someway to extract the audio files from the game? Anything other that doing all of the Daedric quests and then trying to give him all of them myself.


Also since Im starting to play again are there any good graphics mods that you guys could recommend? Texture packs or anything like that? I know you consider mods like Better Cities and Natural Environments to be graphics, but I dont want to change the scenery, I just want to make everything thats already in the game look better.

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Also, DON'T GIVE HIM AZURA'S STAR! There's no other item like it in the game, and you'll never see it again! I'd say give him the Saviour's Hide, which you get from Hircine's Shrine a little ways north of Bravil.


As to graphics, I'd suggest Qarl's Texture Pack, optimized meshes for it, and the Oblivion Graphics Extender, along with any plugins for it that catch your fancy. There's also a number of mods out there to improve the shape and textures of characters' bodies, faces and equipment, though be warned, many available body mods are nude by default. There are ways to get around this, but they're a bit involved.

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