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Does anyone know how to make a custom voice follower marriageable?

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Hi, I’m new to the mod world and looking for some help. I made a new quest and tried copying how they have the Marriage stuff in Vanilla, but I keep running into problems. The Scripts under the Script Tab compiles, but putting Scripts in some of the Quest Stages and Dialogue Views gives errors.
The issue so far is the errors "Variable Is Undefined" “None is not a known user-defined type” these seems to always happen on my Alias_Loveinterest too.
Hoping to fix my problem or a guide/tutorial on how to make them marriageable. I can’t really find any in-depth information on making custom voice followers marriageable.
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Find a custom follower with a unique voice that is marriageable and copy it)) But this is important, vanilla voice or  unique, because if it is a vanilla voice, just add  them to marriage faction and you are done 

Edit if it is a Unique Vanilla Voice like the Selene Kate, that just edited vanilla dialogue, it get more complicated, with a script add them to marriage voice form list)) then with this file structure add the voice files


Just duplicate the require  marriage dialogue there. Do not forget about 


You can hack  the Vanilla Marriage Quest that easy, by adding them to the form list and supplying some fuz files. Just make sure the files name match the vanila ones, so the marriage quest can find it


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