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How Do I get Custom NPC dialogue To Trigger When Killing An Actor?

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Sort of like how a vanilla npc will say "That takes care of that" after they kill an actor. I can't figure out how to do it. There is no selection for it in the 'combat' or 'misc' tab. The closest thing I could find was "murder" in the combat section, but I later found out that that's only for when the player murders someone. I thought MAYBE that could work, but trying "swap subject and target" or whatever did nothing. I thought maybe that would swap it so instead of the npc seeing the assault, they are the ones doing the assaulting. and honestly this would only ever work specifically in a murder case. Not self defense.


There is also a 'notice corpse' selection in the misc section. But that's for when an actor discovers a body. Not when they create one.


Anyone know how to do this? I've tried all sorts of combinations. Nothing is working. I am new to this and still trying to figure dialogues out. I've watched videos, but most only cover an actual conversation, not random stuff like this.

Edited by Renegaldren
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LOL it can be done, but I do not remember how)   LMAO booting the kit up... LOL I have fix multiple masters)) Stupid friggin' KIT)) 


Go to the Detection Tab in the Kit, from the subtype select

  • CombatToNormal

fill the conditions you require for if and when to fire


Screenshot 2025-02-26 145821.png

Mine really random, you may want to change some things, but that the gist of it

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11 hours ago, PeterMartyr said:

LOL looking above I think "you must have a death wish" should have been in

  • NormalTocombat

we all make mistakes, LOL, not gonna fix it)))) I can deal with it))


Yeah! That was it! I looked at all the other tabs, but not that one! Thanks!


On an unrelated note. Would anyone also happen to know why the creation kit won't save my audio for characters? It was working at first, then just... Stopped. I save it, and it will work within the creation kit, but if I save, and close creation kit, then re-open, and try to select the audio in the 'edit response' box, it tells me that it's unable to open the audio file. It also won't work in-game either. It's in wav format, so I am confused.


Furthermore, the Sound/voice/[Mod name]/[Voice Type] folder path is completely hidden even with hidden folders set to "view" in the file explorer. I can only see it if I am uploading audio through creation kit. I tried manually creating the folder, and while in the file explorer "Sound" might be in the data folder- In the creation kit, it sees that I created a double of a folder, so it placed my created sound folder inside the invisible one I don't have access. Not that I expected that to work. In all my years of tech issues "Manually create the folder" has never ever worked.

Edited by Renegaldren
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