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Are NPCs affected by the stat buffs of equipped items? Also, do they use scopes?


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It's only occurred to me now that items may not necessarily affect NPCs the same way it does the player. So I have a few questions: 

  1. Do they get affected by the buffs or debuffs of equipped items? If so, which ones?
  2. Do NPCs even use S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?
  3. Do they use scopes on weapons? If not, do they still get the accuracy bonus on hip-fire?
  4. How about mods? Do NPCs use or benefit from See Through Scopes or others?
Edited by kplusa
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1. As a general rule yes, they do get affected and buffed by buffing items. It is most buffing items do this. However I have observed exceptions.

For example I have not observed the 2 Agility Specials the DC guards are supposed to get from military fatigues when I put them into military fatigues via a mod and/or via console commands. However the buff of 1 strenght and 1 perception from Army fatigues seem to apply.

I have 2 mods that let me see NPCs SPECIAL stats and for many but not all buffing items such as clothes or armor I see a SPECIAL buff occurring.

2. Yes

3. I do not know, but I doubt it.

4. They generally do not benefit from mods like that.

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yes, they do. I have an exoskeleton with effects for accelerating animation/movement speed, jump height, etc. NPCs run around in these exoskeletons, like Benny Hill characters. Some effects (such as night vision, bullet time) do not affect the npc, but affect the player even when they are equipped on the npc. This is very inconvenient. The detection radius of a friendly vertibird also works on npcs if it belongs to a settlement. They can attack targets outside of uGridsToLoad and run throughout Boston. For example, a settler guard might run from the Red Rocket to Cambridge to kill the ghouls.

Edited by South8028
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