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[Skyrim SE] Add a dialogue line to a PlayerMarriedFaction

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Hi all
I have a quest of my own and I would like to add a line of dialogue to the spouse.
In the Conditions I entered GetInFction > Faction:'PlayerMarriedFaction' == 1 to identify the spouse, but when I go to talk to the spouse the dialogue line does not appear...
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance to whoever answers!

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Try "GetFactionRank PlayerMarriedFaction' >= 0".

0 is the most common faction rank.

-1 or -2 for not in faction.

Ranks of 1 and more are only used in some specific factions to denote distinctions within the faction (like leader vs commoner).

Edit: I should have read the post more carefully before answering.  What I wrote was assuming "getFactionRank", not "GetInFaction". I always use the former but the latter should work as you expected.  

You must have some other problem...  Tell us more about your dialogue and conditions.

Edited by xkkmEl
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On 2/26/2025 at 10:14 PM, xkkmEl said:

Try "GetFactionRank PlayerMarriedFaction' >= 0".

0 is the most common faction rank.

-1 or -2 for not in faction.

Ranks of 1 and more are only used in some specific factions to denote distinctions within the faction (like leader vs commoner).

Edit: I should have read the post more carefully before answering.  What I wrote was assuming "getFactionRank", not "GetInFaction". I always use the former but the latter should work as you expected.  

You must have some other problem...  Tell us more about your dialogue and conditions.

The dialogue line works fine.

The problem is that, to test a new dialogue line on a new Quest, you should always save, exit the game, and re-enter, so that the game engine recognizes it, or generate a new "MyMod".SEQ file so that the new dialogue is integrated into the mod, and therefore recognized immediately in the game (which I had not done, so I do not see the dialogue line I thought it did not work). 

Thanks anyway for the help!

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On 2/26/2025 at 10:51 PM, scorrp10 said:

Did you verify that your quest that owns the dialogue is actually running? (Via sqv command)



I didn't know the SQV command, and I really needed it at this stage of creating my mod!

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