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Instant death! :(


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Bottom line: My character instantly dies when I try to scan a planet or land on a planet. Somehow my character is decapitated by the action. I just get shown a top down view of my character with no helmet after getting messages I need health aid. With no head it can't seem to cure me. Crazy times. I had stared a fresh game with mods and I'm trying to land at Kreet.

I've re-started some gaming recently with Starfield being a top pick. I have a host of Mods added which makes this difficult trouble shoot down. It started with the v2 Constellation collection, then I added a lot of ships and places to hang out, and ala The Matrix "guns, lots of guns".  It took me awhile to get them all started where the game wasn't crashing out at initial startup. I'm providing the load order list, and the last crash log if would be helpful. It's not loot sorted because loot couldn't figure out an order that worked. It was a lot of tedious load, start, crash, remove, load, start, crash, remove.

WorkingLoadOrder_99%_20250303.json 2025-03-03-17-57-38.log

Edited by Shadowsbane0
added detail.
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