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Running Bodyslide on multiple games

Go to solution Solved by ChemBoy1,

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So, someone may have discussed this here before, but I have been digging for over half an hour, and can't find anything definitive.  I have played Fallout 4, and against my better judgement, and now going backwards to play Fallout 3 and replay New Vegas.  My issue is that I want to use BodySlide for all 3 games, but cannot figure out how to make it differentiate which game I am playing.  If I try to download it for F3, Vortex says that I already have it, and even if I say to download it again, it doesn't make a distinct file for F3.  I know BS can be run for the different games, but how do I do it, and can I do it without having to reset my F4 settings?  I mean, from what I can tell, I should need a distinct copy, or at least root file, of BS for each game.  Am I way overthinking this, or am I so far off it's laughable?

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Not sure about this, but maybe try to name a custom slider preset for each game?

Like myFO4cbbe3ba for FO4, myFO3cbbe3ba for FO3, and myFONVcbbe3ba for New Vegas?  Then, you only have to load the specific preset in BS and rebuild the body and outfits before you begin play?  You should probably make shorter names, I am just trying to give an example.  I hope that someone else will come along and give you an answer that will better fit your question.

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14 hours ago, ChemBoy1 said:

Install BodySlide for each game in Vortex. They are separate instances. I use BodySlide for multiple Bethesda games this way. 

I have installed it for Fallout NV to use Robert F body replacers, alongside FO4 and Skyrim SE. 

As I said, I would like to do that, but how do I get the separate instance?  I have it downloaded and installed for F4, but if I try to download it again, even with F3 as the active game, Vortex says that it's already downloaded.  Is there a way in Vortex to pull a mod that is already downloaded and activate it for another game?  I am very much an amateur with Vortex, and modding in general, so I may not be aware of a very obvious setting.

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Rather than downloading the same file multiple times, which will force multiple archive versions (with .1,.2 appended to its name), you can just add one copy of an archive to multiple game via downloads tab (double click on archive). The only caveat is game added to must be active in Vortex at the same time - in order to assign it.

Then each game installs a variant to Mods tab.


Edited by vortexposer
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