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Brave Fighter Legion Outfit (Potential Conversion in the Future?)

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Hiya, I am rather more of a lurker but I do wonder if someone anyone really could potentially convert this lovely armor mod. Brave Fighter Legion Outfit

I do understand this is a mod ideas forum and that others have their own projects they're working on. Perhaps in the future, someone could potentially convert this to CBBE for SE at the very least down the road would be nice. If not, that's perfectly understandable. If you can, it would be most appreciated. Thank you for your time and putting up with this little post. Good day.

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I'll see if I have time for this over the weekend.    The original author gave rather generous permissions on that mod, so I should be able to get it uploaded in a day or two.  The skirt part physics had to be redone to properly work with SMP, and also the meshes would include like a complete skeleton (900+ bogus nodes on every piece) that needed to be cleaned up.    And, of course, BodySlides to use with 3BA and BHUNP.




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