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Strange hair CC bug - RESOLVED!


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Spoiler: It was the "Iconic" mod that caused the issue. 😆


Before I start uninstalling mods, I'm hoping someone out there is familiar with my problem. 

When I use the mirror to change my V, I have two sections for hair color. Meaning, the list on the right side where you edit, the part for hair color is listed twice. But the real problem comes when I try to change my hairstyle. Either the game crashes, or the game retains the hair I have now, and adds on whatever I change to. So both hairstyles simultaneously. Once I do that, the section for changing hair is replaced with a 3rd section for hair color! 

The hair I have been using for a few days is the long braids by Peachu - https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/20175

I don't know what I could have downloaded to mess up character creator. I've mostly downloaded clothing and poses. I did download some cyberware that uses 'more body meshes', and assigned it to slots 3 and 4. I've had other cyberware assigned using more body meshes for months and no problems with that, so I don't know. 

Hope that's enough info. Anyone encountered this or have a guess as to what's causing it?  

Thank you! 



Edited by jhinor
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Well that was one of the more painless troubleshooting sessions I've had. As soon as I saw that I had accidentally re-enabled "Iconic", I knew who the culprit was. Weird that it worked okay for a couple days before having an issue, but whatever. Iconic once again removed and all is well! 

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