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Could be light flag


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Marking light works with some, maybe most, but a few aren't really suitable even when they're allowed to be by Vortex.

IFF you actually need low-register plugin space, (ie you're running close the to 254 limit) I'd recommend you mark one light. Play for a while to make sure it's still working (and by a while I mean more than one session). If it's still 'alls-well-in-Skyrimland", then mark another. repeat as necessary

I'd avoid marking Racemenu related plugins light. I had issues when I did that back in 1.5.97. Also SkyUI didn't behave well when I lightened something in its chain... YMMV



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When Vortex marks a plugin 'could be light', it does check that the mod is good for it.    Meaning the mod is not just small, but is also compacted -  has no records outside of valid light mod range (0x800-0xfff for pre-1130, 0x000-0xfff for  1130+).   I have plugins in my load order which are small (less than 1k records) and have no actors/dialogue/scripts, but are not 'compacted'  -  and Vortex does not mark them as 'could be light'

Still, I would recommend using SSEEdit for it.   Load up  SSEEdit, open up mod in question,  and in 'File Header' section, double-click the space next to 'Record Flags', and in the opened drop-down, check off 'ESL' box.  With that done, right-click on the mod name in the list, and select 'Check for Errors'.   If it says: Errors found: 0, then you can save and exit.   Otherwise, might be better to exit without saving.


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