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Editing cell/-s

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Hey, folks. looks like that I'm totally dumb. I edited SanctuaryExt cells (just 3 of them, just deleted in houses debris, rubbles etc). Next thing - I saved .esp plugin and it automatically saved it in Overwrite folder. Before making bigger edits, I tried to delete just one thing in cell and then tested in the game - the thing was gone, so I decided to make bigger edits. Problem is that bigger edits did not appear in game. Esp plugin is checked and in bottom of load order...I already tried to search for answer in google but I can't find solution for my (looks like) very simple question. CK version is 1.10.162 (downloaded as depot from Steam, launching through Mod Manager 2). Fallout 4 version 1.10.163, downgraded manually replacing game files dorm Steam depots as well...Other mods works fine without problems...


I understand, that this could be very silly question, I apologize for that...I just started to work with Creation club :)

Ekrānuzņēmums 2025-03-19 161813.jpg

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A couple of things:  First, the Creation Kit is different from Creation Club.  Second, do you have any other mods that affect Sanctuary?  Third, have you tried coc'ing to Sanctuary from the main menu to bypass any saved game stuff?  Four, I'd double check your mod in the Creation Kit to ensure your edits took.  Lastly, have you confirmed that your mod is active?  

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2 hours ago, pepperman35 said:

A couple of things:  First, the Creation Kit is different from Creation Club.  Second, do you have any other mods that affect Sanctuary?  Third, have you tried coc'ing to Sanctuary from the main menu to bypass any saved game stuff?  Four, I'd double check your mod in the Creation Kit to ensure your edits took.  Lastly, have you confirmed that your mod is active?  

About 1st - copy.

2nd - no, I don't have any mods that affect Sanctuary. 

3rd - tried, but without success

Last thing - mod was active 🙂


As I said, I'm newbie in this and maybe I must stay away from creation kit 😄

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The Creation Kit is a powerful tool, but it does take some time to master it.  I believe you can zip up the *.esp file of your mod and attach it here.  One of us can take a look see if you'd like.

BTW, kinggath has an excellent set of youtube tutorials that I highly recommend watching: Bethesda Mod School


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