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The killing of nasty a** spiders only produce web silk ?


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It might.   But in this case, you really rather want SSEEdit

A typical Spider is EncFrostbiteSpider (00023AAA)  Once SSEEdit loaded all your plugins, expand Skyrim.esm - Non-Player-Character (Actor) category - and look for 00023AAA FormID.   Click it to see if any mod overloads this record.

The entry you are looking for in the record is the "INAM - Death Item" 

For a Frostbite Spider, it is "DeathItemFrostbiteSpider"  (0003AD89).   Unless some mod overloads the spider record and changes the death item entry.

Another possibility is that some mod overloads "DeathItemFrostbiteSpider" itself, which is 'Leveled Item'.  Also under Skyrim.esm, expand Leveled Item category, and look for 0003AD89.   
The vanilla version of it contains 1x Frostbite Venom, and a 'LootSmallTreasure10' Leveled Item.

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