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Sort By Date Range


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Not a "new" feature, but one that seems to be missing since the new UI update? 

You used to be able to sort mods by say, Endorsements within a range of dates (eg 1/1/2020 to today). This was very useful, especially for games that have been out for a long time such as SE and FNV.

Unless I'm blind and can't find it?

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From FAQ Unfortunately we have had to disable mod comment searching for the time being.

We are working on the theory that this feature is causing our entire primary database cluster to crash, possibly due to a bug with the database software. We have made a number of attempts to fix this but we have been totally unable to find a solution.

Bring sort by range back. Also bring post search back too :

Edited by Ejussus013
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While we are at it, please add the ability to add a custom time range by date updated.

sorting through mods by endorsements since the beginning of time for fallout 4 displays mods that haven't been updated in 5, 6 or even 9 years. if we could specify the during which mods were updated in that would bring all the best and most popular mods that are still compatible to the top.

steam workshop has that feature already.

Screenshot 2025-03-21 223854.png

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This feature is so important for long lasting modding communities. Games like Skyrim have had many years of mods and just having the option to show the most endorsed for last year or of all time drastically reduces the visibility of so many mods stuck inbetween. When a game releases and the hype is highest the endorsements and downloads are equally at an all time high which makes the "all time" sorting favor the mods from the first year of release heavily. So to go from "all time" to "last year" is a huge mod visibility gap for many of older modding communities and is a big hit to modding communities that might flourish in the future.

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