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Blood on the ice bugs


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Search Hjerim for evidence.

If you go into the house, find, and take the amulet. Then talk to Viola Giordano. She will ask you to meet at the house. You go in and she goes to the same table. You can't talk to her and she is stuck there.

Also, I can't sell the amulet since it's proof(or should be) to Calixto Corrium. Two, I want the amulet. If try to talk to Wuunferth, nothing happens.

I need to restart the quest or find a bug fix.


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A couple of questions:


Did you find/read any of the flyers written by Viola?

Did you open/enter/search the secret room near the cabinet where you found the amulet?

You should have found two diary entries by the murderer, if you did.  Make sure that you read them.

I don't know that any of the above will fix your attempt at the quest.  I have used Blood on the Ice Redux ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6126 ) for so long, I don't really remember much about the vanilla quest, but I know that there are/were a lot of problems in the timing of the quest stages.

Maybe you could try the disable/enable console commands on Viola to see if you can get anywhere.  If that doesn't work, maybe the recycleactor command on her.  Save the game before you try any of this, just in case it makes things worse.

This is from the uesp wiki - "Track her down (with a "Beware the Butcher!" flyer from Hjerim in your inventory) and question her."

You could also use console commands to see which stage of the quest you are currently in.

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I am not sure that you can reset the quest, since it has a special trigger.  The console commands 'getstage' and 'setstage', followed by the quest ID, might be the most applicable.  There are console command lists that you can find on the internet, I simply copied and pasted the info into a .txt file, and spent a few minutes cleaning it up.

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1 hour ago, scathtroy2147 said:

I found the journal #1 and the strange amulet. I haven't found the secret room mentioned in the article.

I've read about that special trigger. Do you installing that mod will work?


You need to find the secret room.  It's behind a "Wardrobe".

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