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Want to make a mine behave differently with the detonator

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I am making a mine weapon that I want to work with the detonator in this way: first, when pulling the detonator trigger, it doesn't explode, only gets ACTIVATED, then explodes after a certain amount of time(maybe 30 seconds), and second, I want a light attached to the mine to go on when activated. 

I have two different nifs for the mine, one with light off and one with light on. I just don't know how to implement them the way I want, nor do I know the scripting for the timing thing.

Basically, what will happen is the detonator when used will place an NPC at the mine location(which I have managed to do through the explosion, probably not the best way) who will fight for you until a certain time(30 secs) elapses, at which point the mine blows up and the NPC disappears.

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Isnt that same feature as the NCR Reinforcement Radio that you get when NCR relation get better? The Supply button is for supply only, but the other buttons are to call on different NCR unit.

As for timer, take reference on Time Bomb. It explode after 15 sec, but it might be a good reference.

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The Time Bomb works differently from what I want. It uses a timer you can set in its explosion record, but what I need(I think)is a script attached to a detonator telling the game two things upon pulling its trigger: first, to spawn in the NPC ally and second, to detonate the placed mine(the power source of the ally, if you will) after 30 seconds. The ally also needs to disappear when the mine explodes.

I got the ally behaving just how I want, but I don't know how to implement it via the above 😕

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1. Change the timer script to 30 sec. When it explode it also disable the ally

2. The detonator first call both ally and the mine. then detonator script add that mine to their inventory.

Does that sound workable?


okay, alternative method.

The detonator first call  ally up. This detonator script should work like NCR emer radio button script.

the ally has a script running with a timer of 15 sec. After that it add a timebomb to the ally (so you dont have to mess with timebomb script And 15 sec later the bomb explode). The ally's script also count that timer to 31 to disable theally (so it ensure the bomb explode before disabling)

is that workable?


and finally, simplest method (I think)

The detonator first call  ally up. This detonator script should work like NCR emer radio button script.

the ally has a script running with a timer of 30 to spawn an EMP explosion at the foot of ally then 31 to disable theally. It is likely the explosion will send the ally flying but not killed, so it look smoother.

You dont have to mess with timebomb or sheesh~

Edited by laclongquan
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