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Missing icons!! :-(


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I started a new character last night and noticed (for no apparent reason) all the icons for liquors (Flinn, Matze) are missing. I use lots of mods but none that affect liquor. The closest is k_potion_upgrade, but that one only does potions.


I wanted to start a new character so i deleted all my saves but that was the only change i made ( didn't add or ditch any mods ). All the meshes and textures for liquors are unaffected, just the icons are showing as smiley faces.


Anyway, i am a CS novice so can anyone tell me how to get those icons back without re-installing or screwing up my 60 + mod setup.


Lastly, i played my last character for a long time and never had any problems because i use Testool and the Lvld list resequester. I also read the read-me's carefully and follow all instructions too be sure i have no conflicts.


Thanks in Advance.

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Uh... hmm, that's odd. All I can think is that it's some sort of glitch with your Morrowind.bsa that has formed for no apparent reason (Morrowind loves doing bad things for no apparent reason! :P). Even if the icons aren't in your Data Files the bsa should have them bundled in it so that shouldn't matter. But you could try transferring the Icons folder from your CS CD again just in case. Apart from that all I can suggest is backing up your saves and plugins and reinstalling...
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Thanks for the reply Switch. Just one question before i reinstall. I deleted my saves so no problem there but about my data files. Should i just make a copy of the data files folder and then replace it after the reinstall (swapping out the morrowind bsa only). I just don't want to reinstall all my mods again.
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Yes, you could do that... you'd need to make sure you don't overwrite the newly installed morrowind.bsa though.


And you're welcome. ^^

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I finally figured it out. I tried reinstalling and using the new morrowind bsa but that didn't do it. That made sense to me because i thought the files got corrupted somehow. The actual problem was a mod. I forgot i added 1 mod yestarday that creates icons for scrolls based on their school of magic. Well the guy who created the mod also made one that changes the look and icons of potions and though not mentioned in the read me, one mod can't work without the other. I already had a potion changing mod running, so i ditched his scroll icon mod and found one that is just as good and works on its own (made by Lurlock). Everythings working great now.


I just thought i'd explain the problem in case anyone runs into the same issue.

Thanks again for the help Switch.

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