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A Mod That Doesn't Exist?


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Hello, I have a problem where all of my light armour on my female characters have a very deep v-neck cut on them. I uninstalled the mod I had used for this when I found a bunch of better light armour skins, but apparently it's still there. It's preventing me from using any of the new skins I'd like to use and I'm not sure what I can do to fix this. Help!

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there were no uninstall instructions, but I deactivated it in my OBMM and deleted it there, then went back into my Oblivion folder and checked to make sure everything I could find was out. I'm not very computer savvy lol

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What you are describing sounds like meshes have been left behind. I`m an old manual install dinosaur so I always have the extracted download to check for what needs to be uninstalled. If you download the offending mod to a temporary folder and extract it you`ll be able to see what OBMM has left behind.
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