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The NoEquipFlag after unequipitem will force every actor or the player to be unable to wear that item until it is cleared again. If you use it equipitem with the NoEquipFlag you cannot unequip it.

(You were just before me :) )


I don't think you can change it without using unequip, with the normal cs functions.

Could you tell what you're trying to achieve?

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The NoEquipFlag after unequipitem will force every actor or the player to be unable to wear that item until it is cleared again. If you use it equipitem with the NoEquipFlag you cannot unequip it.

(You were just before me :) )


I don't think you can change it without using unequip, with the normal cs functions.

Could you tell what you're trying to achieve?


Making a mod that makes it so when your armor health is 0 it is forced unequiped and you cannot equip it unitl you repair it.

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Ahh, that topic. Why not force a normal unequip, then tracking it afterwards then with that obse-function. So any armor with 0 health will be unequipped when you try to equip it. Evading the whole flag.
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Ahh, that topic. Why not force a normal unequip, then tracking it afterwards then with that obse-function. So any armor with 0 health will be unequipped when you try to equip it. Evading the whole flag.


I'm trying to get it to work with only a single script (using loops), but if there is no way to clear the NoEquipFlag, I will have to make a script for every piece of armor.



Figured a way around it

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