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UESPWiki down?


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Hey everyone!


Sorry if this has been asked before, but I've searched the forum and couldn't find anything on it.

Since yesterday, UESPWiki is acting really weird for me, using ANY browser. Tried it with Chrome, Firefox, Safari (both pc and iPhone) and IE.

I can't load anything other than the Main Page and on the very top it says "UESPWiki has a problem" underneath the wiki buttons.

Just me or site down?


Thanks in advance!


The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages, more commonly known as UESPWiki, was offline for a few days. Luckily the problems seem to have been resolved!

A fire and power outage in the Fisher Plaza data farm in Seattle, last Thursday (pardon the pun) might have been the cause, no confirmation yet.


I have kept updates on the matter down here:


  • JULY 5TH - First signs of database issues in the evening.
  • JULY 6TH - 9:15 CET - Database went down
  • JULY 7TH - 13:15 CET - Whole server dropped off the net
  • JULY 7TH - 20:20 CET - Members @ Bethsoft forums mentioned variable results. Site often down, but there are indications of server restart.
  • JULY 7TH - 20:45 CET - Stormcape (aka Lokee @ Bethsoft forums): "The Wiki is having a Database server issue since Sunday Night. We have no ETA on a fix, nor do we know why it's down. The site administrator has been telephoned and e-mailed, you just have to be patient as he's an extremely busy man."
  • JULY 7TH - 21:50 CET - Server seems to be back up. Database still not working. Stormcape's update: "The ISP has restarted the Database Server. It's now running but the SQL Daemon failed to start, meaning we could potentially have data loss. At this point none of the sub-admins have enough access to the Database Server to run diagnostics or restart the SQL Daemon so we have to wait for the Site Admin to get home from his job (lots of travel) and fix the Database Server. More updates as I receive them."
  • JULY 7TH - 22:05 CET - Update from UESP Administrator rpeh @ Bethsoft Forums:
    Lokee is right.
    At approx 08:15GMT, Monday morning, the database server that stores UESP's page data went down, although the server itself was still active. Roughly 30 hours after that, the whole server dropped off the net.
    The ISP has restarted the box concerned but the MySQL daemon doesn't restart - and the only person that can help is Daveh, the site owner.
    Unfortunately, Daveh's job takes him all over North America and he is obviously away at the moment. Trust me - when he gets to an internet connection, he will find one or two emails on the subject.
    All this means that UESP is down for the moment and can't be fixed.
    On behalf of the admin team at UESP, I apologise for the outage.
    UESP Administrator
  • JULY 8TH - around 14:00 CET - Server and database back up, UESPWiki working perfectly once more!
  • JULY 12TH - around 14:00 CET - Same problem has occured, presumably. UESP has a problem once again. We're all confident they'll fix it soon, stay tuned!
  • JULY 13TH - It's up again! UESPWiki forum members suggest it's a number of small linked problems. They will most likely resolve over the next couple days.


Thanks to Stormscape (aka Lokee @ Bethsoft forums) and rpeh (UESP Administrator) for the updates.

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It's not just you. Does anyone know if this is related to the Fisher Plaza fire in Seattle? Fisher Plaza housed a large data farm, and a lot of sites have gone down. Rumor has it that workers were rescuing bits of servers as they evacuated the building. One can only hope the Wiki will be back soon, whatever the cause. It's a wonderful site.



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Holy crap, a data farm fire? By the Nine Divines, I hope they didn't lose the site completely! I love that wiki to death.

Alkser, you can open the Main Page yes, but try loading an article, or searching for something. Does it take you back to the Main Page?


By the way, I should mention. We can always use Google Cache to view the site, last recording was July 1st I believe.


I'll keep updates in the original post.

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I can't even open the homepage now ! That wiki is handy and fun to read !


(Is this related to Michael Jackson's burial and the sightings as a shadow at Neverland ? Sounds like nonsense, but since it's just recently, is it true ?)

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Members @ Bethsoft forums mentioned both Server and Database down. This could indicate a full restart.


EDIT: Quoting Lokee @ Bethsoft forums:


"This has been stated many times, however I'll state it again:


The Wiki is having a Database server issue since Sunday Night. We have no ETA on a fix, nor do we know why it's down. The site administrator has been telephoned and e-mailed, you just have to be patient as he's an extremely busy man."


EDIT 2 (21:50 CET):

Server seems to be back up, database still not working.

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