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NMM keeps modifying my load order, causing CTD


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I don't know if anyone else is having this issue but NMM (0.46) keeps modifying my load order, which causes the game to CTD since the load order gets out of sync. Why does NMM do this? I had Conan Hyborian Age & Orsinium Reborn loaded at the top of my .esp load order, underneath the .esm files like one is supposed to. I load the game like normal & within 2 mins, Bam! CTD. I open NMM to view my load order & somehow the plug-ins I mentioned above got moved down in my load order a few spots. This is a serious issue & needs to be addressed ASAP. Any ideas as to why NMM is doing this & is anyone else out there having this issue? Thanks.

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Do like I do and not use a mod manager. never have these sorts of problems. Wryebash does the same bullcrap rearange the load order without being told to or asked. In no way shape or form should these be changing the load order without the user asking and confirming the change, to just change it without the user requesting the load order be checked and confirming when it completes is pure bad design for the ultility.

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I've been using WryeBash for a long time and NEVER NEVER once had it do ANYTHING to my load order without me directly telling it to. Wrye Bash is actually super super good for load order management, and I highly suggest you use it over NMM. I personally hate NMM exactly for the reason you are talking about, it does a lot of confusing things for no reason and without being told, and doesn't work right half the time lol Wrye Bash is super reliable and all around awesome. I generally really dislike mod managers, but Wrye Bash is different. ^_^ If you know how to use it right, it's a godsend! If you don't know how to use it right, it can be a bit of a pain though, it does have a lot of weird options, and clicking the wrong one by accident will make it do some weird stuff, and this can be the result of people thinking it does weird stuff.. which it does... if you click the wrong button! lol
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Wrye bash will rearange your load order if plugins.txt and loadorder.txt do not match. That is changing the load order without being told to. There is no reason any mod manager should take it upon itself to do that even if the 2 files are not mathing. One is a list of all esp files including ones that are not loaded, the other is the actual load order. It changes the actual load order to match the list on its own and it shouldnt until told to do so.


loadorder.txt is a list of all .esm and .esp files and is actualy quite irrelevant when it comes to the actual load order. plugins.txt is the actual selection of mods that get loaded when the game starts. those are the ones that have a checkmark in the loader. loadorder.txt does not update when you move an esp up or down in the load order from the launcher to put a mod in the correct spot so run wry bash and it will change plugins.txt to match loadorder.txt and that will put the mod you previously put in the correct spot back into the wrong spot.


That should never happen and I shouldnt have to sync both just to make Wry bash not rearange my plugins.txt that Skyrim is perfectly fine with.

Edited by jet4571
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Well that has never happened to me before, maybe you turned on some weird setting? I constantly change files around in wrye bash and and rearrange my load order, and I have never experienced anything like that before. ^-^ it has always been super reliable and it's never done anything remotely like that to me!
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