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Zombie attack


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I run to the bus and drop off my thompson, blackpowder rifle, claymore and rapier then pick up a baretta, 9mm carbine, and take out a foldable FMG9 submachine gun that I took from the carrier (why do I do this? because I realise that I won't be able to find hardly any ammo for a blackpowder rifle or a thompson but 9mm ammo is fairly common and having 3 guns that use it makes me very versatile) I then dash into the safehouse and get a 16" long crowbar and a 37 1/2 inch templar sword that I brought from my home. I run to the battlefield and unload a few rounds into some zombie heads to destroy their brains, a few get close to me and I smash their heads in with my crowbar in my left hand and continue shooting with my carbine.


"Alright, I have a plan for us to survive. We need to get to Eris Biotech labs, clear out the zombies and access the lab, the zombies decay, we all know that and they can only survive 3 to 5 years because they rot from the few types of bacteria that can destroy their flesh, we get to the labs we can use some of the bacteria that zombies are vulnerable to from our own skin and create a sort of "bacterial bomb" by culturing them for a few hours, we get a large enough concentration we can clear the aircraft carrier in less than a day then we make a bonfire on deck and we'll put on biohazard suits from the labs and cremate the bodies and steralize the ship, once that's done zombies won't be able to touch us, they can't swim and even if they can walk underwater they can't swim up to latch on the ship and climb aboard. we may have a large fight but we can be totally self-sufficient on the carrier if we take a net from a fishing ship and stay within flight distance of the coast." I say


off: where I get all my info, The Zombie Survival Guide by: Max Brooks and zombies cannot use weapons, climb, swim, and transfer the disease via biting and blood contact (which means its a very good thing zombies' blood is totally congealed) also zombies can go in sunlight but are just more efficient (by comparison to humans) at night.

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off: Not to be a killjoy, Zephyr, but that's a little....... hard to believe. Not the zombie stuff, but the part about having a Thompson, Beretta, rapier, carbine, blackpowder rifle and FMG9. How would you carry them all? Furthermore, I don't know where you would find; a Thompson, the'yre not common in the Military anymore, and illegal for civilian use, FMG9, a little over the top when others are using UZI's and the like, which can be bought (along with ammunition) easily on the black market, blackpowder rifle, I don't see the point to having one, rapier, to what point and purpose? It's not a combat weapon, it is a deuling sword meant for settling gentleman's disagreements. I can see the Beretta, it is used in the military, and can be purchased on the black market.


also, won't this RP die if we make sure the zombies can't touch us, or if we kill them all?


I don't mean to be overly critical, I'm just interested in keeping this at least a little realistic, sorry.

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off i totaly agree. We have to stay here and do whatever we can.



damit, zombies. Takes out his desert eagle and starts shooting. He then sees a soldier. He is being infected. he quickly shots him and takes his M-16 (2 clips) Soldiers. Damn it that means military arrived. We have to run to hideout so we can figure out what to do.


after we got to hideout


Tune up the radio. They are probably sending some transmissions.

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Clubs a zombie at the temple of the head, and quickly wrack the zombies beside it. Angela heard a shout from one of her companions and retreat back to the hideout.
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I found the radio station.

on the radio: Zombies are getting more strong. Its hard for us to hold them off. We need everybody. Doesn't matter if you can or can't handle a gun. We need everybody. Our location is downtown. 4th street.


Damn. If army needs regular people, everything is worse then i imagined.

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"Oh Lovely!" She said as she reload her guns. After she reload her gun, she start to pack a backpack with rations, water, and first aid supplies. She said "So, Canada it is"
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