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Zombie attack


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huh? what do you mean lake canada? Anyway, airoport is 4 miles from here. I can fly a small plane like cessna. But why do we even need canada?
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I know its kinda getting far into the RP but if its not too late i would like to join and if it is too late fell free to give me the boot :P


Name: Tyler

Age: 22

Appearence: 5'11 Slightly muscular,shaved head and slight stubble

Weapons: Military Issue .45 Acp And Ka-Bar

Clothes: Standard military issue ACU's

Skills: Small guns, Blades, Unarmed

Personality: Friendly to most everybody he meet's ,will jump to the aid of anyone in need, Doesnt say much unless it is nessisary. Years of United States Marine Force Reconiassance Training kept him mentaly prepaired for this.


On the day of the first infection the united states military was deployed into different sections of different cities. Tyler was amoung one of the unlucky Units, His entire platoon by the exeption of him were killed in the onslaught, Trying to make it to the closest military base to report back in He knew he wouldent be able to make it on foot, Tyler made his way to the local airport hoping for a radio signal or military personel to be there so he could be extracted ,Tyler has been holed up in the lightly Barricaded Airport Terminal ever since.

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"I guess so, but where are we going precisely? I mean we should at least know where we're going because 'We'll figure it out as we go' has gotten thousands of people killed already just trying to improvise." I say.
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OK the nearest one is military. First they are better planes second we can find some firearms and third there might be survivors. They should be some small airplanes. I don't think i can handle anything bigger then two engine prop.
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As tyler wakes up from a short nap because of 3 days of sleep deprivation he feels replinished, he then proceeds outside to the air strip to look at the only plane left on the strip, half fueled with minor damages.

"*sigh* i wouldn't know how to fly it anyways"


Tyler then proceeds to the back of the terminal to the armory room which was locked with a heavy bulletproof door." I need to get in there"

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