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Zombie attack


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off: Sorry I haven't been on, I've been backpacking in New Mexico for two weeks and haven't been at a comp with internet since. Also aren't we in Hope, California? or is that from some other rp. Isn't DC more than just a little out of the way if we're flying from the land of SunMaid Raisins and Happy Cows to Nicaragua?


"If the infection has indeed spread to D.C. I doubt there will be many survivors and if the New York incident is any indication, the military doesn't quite know what it's dealing with, at least most of it doesn't or else we wouldn't have been massacred on manhatten isle. Also if there are any survivors in D.C. then any zombies there are still there dieing to get at them, pardon the pun, and if you paradrop into the metropolis the zombies will spot you and catch with open arms and you'll be undead fodder. Most of the military is likely under siege and holed up in bases where they have a near infinite supply of water independant from the cities they're nearby and great capability for growing crops and can survive longest. And with D.C. infected most government officials are probably dead since there were meetings of congress and the senate to figure out how to deal with this. If they did survive government officials are in hiding and let's face it any shadow of any government we knew isn't going to show it's face until the last zombie rots to nothing. I'm sorry I seem so grim but we're living in an undead world now, or soon will be, if America is infected from coast to coast by Solanum and the military couldn't stop the outbreat at stage two or three, the world's screwed. The greatest military power in the world has fallen because of poor knowledge and no government has the power to stop the outbreak now, if they nuked all of America then the whole world would either be destroyed or suffacate from fallout so that option's out. And no one seems to know how to stop them except for a few people, people that the military refused to listen to like the Biomedical Engineer I worked for, and now they still won't listen, all we can do now is find a place to build new lives and wait out the infection. It takes 3-5 years for a zombie to decay to the point where the brain is destroyed. And with more people becoming infected it'll be 20 before they're all gone at a minimum probably 30 to 40 years. On the subject of refueling the best place would likely be New Mexico or somewhere in Texas, we can't count on Mexico having what we need, and really we can't coun't on the states either but they're our best bet."

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"I fully understand what you are trying to say, but I am just saying My orders were clear, i have never disobayed orders, fine go to new mexico, or texas wherever but when we get there my first priority is to find a Radio with high signal rate, and if what you say is right i will abandon hope of regrouping with my batalion , but if they radio back I will find my own means of transport there, and from what you were saying the entire countrys military being destroyed, Well im still here arnt I?"
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Shh guys i found some frequency its says about the infections: Infection is spreaded all over the United States of America. All of United States units are trying to stop it, soon they will get support from United Kingdom, European Union, Russian Federation, China, Canada, Mexico, South and North Korea. If they will able to destroy the infection the world will be saved, if not they will have to destroy North America.


S**t those stuff are worth then i thought, what are we going to do?

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"thank you" , some time later over D.C. , Tyler grabs the chute, "alright my friends, this is where my story will you ends, I hope we will meet again after all this is over, and if not.... , i will allways remember that Nicaragua sounds like a lovely place in a post apokolyptic world."
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And here, have this (gives tyler a silver .44 magnum bullet.) hope you will never have to use it. Heres the parachute, I will come to help you when Angela recovers. Farewell my friend
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