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Zombie attack


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"The whole Island should be relatively secure, there is the extremely small chance that someone else has gotten here before us but given that it has only one beachhead and that is surrounded by reefs except for a small section barely big enough for a rowboat I doubt it. I'd just like to find a place that lends itself naturally to becoming a home, a small cave would be best if we could find it and I believe we may be able to given the bluffs on the north side of the island. A cave would make creating a home as easy as erecting a wall over the main entrance and setting up shop."
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She nods "I think some makeshift watch post should put on the most tallest and visible (360 degrees), and put some makeshift sandbags gun pits near the beach", and then starts to walk towards a cave. "I going to explore" even thought the wounds haven't heal.
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"Our first priority should be to build a wall around the cave, then the extra defenses."


off: should the rp perhaps end and pick up in a different one? I mean the goal was to either end or escape the zombie threat correct? I believe that goal has been met or shall be within a few posts.

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ok well here we are, i don't what you guys want to do but i am flying back to D.C to help Tyler. Anybody who wants to go with me i will meet you at a plane in 2 hours.
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"You guys go and help Tyler I'll stay here and get things up and going, but I do need a bunch of equipment off of the plane. When you guys return I'll have a fortress ready for you." Zeph said and went to unload the plane to get started working.
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"Fly Safley," Zeph said


off, sort of: To all who are staying behind on the Island Anton has given me permission to start a spin off that details what happens while they're gone on the island (and possibly when they come back) It will be called Eden Colony. I'll have a post in the RP Announcements up and will have it going probably today.

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