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Eyecandy-male body replacer texture problems.


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I've been fixing up my oblivion but I've found that when ever I get to a certain point either argonian or Khajiit textures get messed up. Im using exnems eye candy and roberts male body replacer and everything works great except for some reason I can only fix it so that either Khajiit males work or khajiit females work neither at the same time T_T. I know that both are supposed to share some things but, I don't know, can anybody help me out here?
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Khajiit male and female share same foot texture, footmale*.dds. So, if any body replacer replaces this, either one's skin texture will be screwed, naturally. Robert's male body replacer plugin assigned Khajiit male RTfootmale*.dds to avoid this problem. Or, you can copy EyeCandy female body textures under \Textures\Characters\Khajiit\Female, rename it footfemale.dds, then make a plugin to assign female that renamed texture. Either way, you need to activate body replacer plugin, or you will see messed up textures.
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