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[WIP/Alpha] The Black Marshes


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Brief History & Introduction

One of our oldest threads from the archives on the Silgrad Tower forums is dated Mar. 11, 2006 and involves SwedishFish who appears to have been one of our founding members. Early posts assigned naming codes to current members. Much literature was written by KuKulZa in those days but, barring very early, undeveloped versions of the settlements currently known as Sloughpoint, RockGuard and Soulrest, very little was physically developed in the first three years. In 2009, Ibsen's Ghost took up the reins as leader with Koniption working hard to develop unique models, Deeza contributing to the lore and modding and sandor as Lead Admin. Before then, Black Marsh had seen several teams but has since seen dozens of contributors and several forums. The period between 2009-2012 saw the most physical changes until AndalayBay helped the project take off as our new administrator in 2011. I am sure we will be thanking many others for their support and contributions upon full release.

Making full use of the Shivering Isles, The Black Marshes project adds the mysterious lands of Black Marsh, otherwise known as Argonia, one of the darkest and most dangerous regions of the fictional universe of Tamriel. Other lands from this fantasy world have been explored in detail, such as Morrowind and Cyrodiil, but the lands of the reptilian Argonians have remained shrouded in mystery... until now.

Our aim is to recreate a region which no player has explored in the Elder Scrolls series since Arena. The finished mod will include many new cities, new architecture, detailed new quests, and most importantly a large new marsh and jungle landscape, filled with deadly new enemies and dungeons. The finished mod will feature six quest lines: a Main Quest line, some Miscellaneous quests, and quest lines for the Hist Tribes, Shadowscales, Trillium Magnata and Sotho Tren. The Main Quest line will have at least five quests and we haven't decided how many quests the other quest lines will feature.

The completed mod will have:

  • Entire province of Argonia to explore, completely landscaped, with lots of unique and nasty creatures.
  • Five full questlines plus some miscellaneous quests.
  • Custom races, unique items, tons of new flora and ingredients, new weapons and armour, unique books with background and lore.
  • Lots of dungeons, including some unique to Black Marsh that utilize custom tilesets.
  • Several different varieties of Argonians and six new races (Naga, Marsh Cat, Lilmothiit, Sload, Paatru and Sarpa).
  • Many new creatures specially selected or created for the province.
  • A transportation network, including custom mounts that can be purchased.
  • All major cities of Argonia featuring shops and inns, plus many towns also with shops and inns.

Current Development Status

After a bit of a hiatus, Ibsen's Ghost is back and writing up the remaining quests. He has completed the Sotho Tren questline. That marks the completion of one of the faction questlines. I am still away from modding, but hope to return soon. When I return I will start coding up the quests and adding them to the mod. We have a new member, puddles, who's working on our custom races. We haven't decided if we'll have another round of alpha testing or just wait and release a beta.

Want to Help?

We still need modellers, so if you've got some modelling skills and would like to give us a hand, please drop us a line!

Current Team

  • Ibsen's Ghost - Leader, writing, lore, landscaping and level design
  • AndalayBay - Co-leader, quests, scripting, landscaping
  • Cray - Writing and lore
  • Vincent - Modelling, level design
  • Envy123 - Custom dialogue
  • puddles - modelling
  • Sifonseal - landcaping, region generation

Alpha Testers
These are the folks who reported bugs for us in the first alpha.

  • Rivenian
  • Rubicon
  • MacKlaud
  • Leonardo
  • DoZeNt
  • JetpackAngel
  • Mercer
  • GGod
  • Envy123

Project Site

The Black Marshes is hosted on The Assimilation Lab. Follow our progress and have a look at our galleries.


There are tons of people who have helped create Black Marsh. All testers will be added to the credits if they submit reports. :smile:

Thanks to all those who have supported our mod and offered ideas or suggestions.

Credits: Individuals -

Aknevrec - for use of their Elven armors in their "Elven Armours" mod.
Alasdair - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod, such as with modeling; a founding ancestor.
Alex2avs - for his modeling help (his work on the broken Gideon bridge model, etc).
AlienSlof - for her work on the "Spider Creature" resource (modified model and UV maps), and the skull amulet.
Amadaun - for various meshes, textures and script writing.
Amorilia - for his work on the sitting cushion and hammock, & for his multitude of help he gave Koniption (and therefore, gave Blackmarsh mod): (http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/)
AndalayBay - for taking over in merging esps into the esm, her help in our file management (BSA, meshes, etc), her help with scripting/quests, and much more.
Andragorn - for our Shadowscale weapons from his "Andragorns weapons and armors" mod
Anubis100 - for his help on the Blackmarsh mod.
Aoikani - for use of their creature statues in their "Creature Statue Resource."
ApelCiH - for use of his textures (landscape).
Apollyna - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod.
Arthmoor - for opening our cities, coding up our travel network and all his help and tons of advice.
Asmar - for his interior modding work, & attempt to tackle a Hist Shrine tileset interior.
Assassin_456 - 'Novelty' item, ahem, for the outdoors lavatory.
Aynalie - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod.
B3w4r3 - for their work on the "Lore Creature Expansion" (did "summon scripts"/etc), of which we used parts in Blackmarsh.
Back2Murder - for his help on the Blackmarsh mod, a few years back.
BadCompany - for his help on the Blackmarsh mod.
Barththolomew - for use of his animated portcullis (in Hixinoag).
Blackwood - (aka Marsh-Brother) - for use of their "BWs Argonian Hair" resource, "BWs Argonian Eye Pack",
Brian S - for their help with Blackmarsh lore, a few years back.
Catlmur - for his help on the Blackmarsh mod.
ChalkLine - for offering his vast knowledge and experience with medieval history and armor. Gave suggestions for Argonian houses/abodes. Is a medieval history grad, classical history minor, and hobby armourer.
Cold Blood - for creating/programming the "FaceMix" utility, and taking time to explain how it works to Koniption.
Colovrat - for use of their creatures.
Comit - for use of his "Coms Argonian HeadStyles" mod/resource, v2.1; Coms Torch Compendium", v1.2; (his "Readme" for his mods, is included with our mod - please read these documents for listing of other contributing members to his resources).
CorePC - for use of his guars in his "PersonalPackGuars" mod, (a copy of his mod's "Readme" is included in this Blackmarsh download - please read that document for list of further contributors to his pack guar mod). Also, for "Artifacts 1-1".
Corthian - for his kind help with, and work on, the sload mesh (made by zaneeba_slave). Corthian textured and rigged this mesh for Blackmarsh. Also for some weapon models.
Cray - for his writing and lore knowledge
Cruxvader - for their concept artwork, done for Blackmarsh (e.i. Rhino Hide armor).
Cryo - for their work on "Lore Creature Expansion" (modeled/rigged/etc several creatures).
Cryonaut - for their work on the "Lore Creature Expansion" (modeling/rigging of creatures, etc).
DaMage - for his work on the Centaur race - though this race not included in Blackmarsh, his work helped set the mark for the BM Paatru race experiment by Koniption, to succeed. Also credit for his mine tileset which was used.
DarkAsmodeus - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod; a founding ancestor.
DarknessEternal - the current caretaker of the "DUNE" mod files, and whom gave Blackmarsh permission to use some of the "DUNE" resources, many of which were originally made by Prometheus_ts (who is also the original founder of "DUNE"). Where our Iguana Mount came from.
DarkRider - for the monsoon weather meshes
Dave_91 - for the use of his Ashlander huts.
David Brasher - for quest coding, fixing the creature levelled lists, adding creature spawns and adding a crime system.
David Whitefang - for use of his "Blasphemous Staff".
Deeza - for his massive help in interior modding, his work on Blackmarsh literature, his impressive lore knowledge, and more.
Demonizzer - for use of their extravagant masks textures in their "Extravangant Masks" resource. (see Jquarl, below).
Der Kriger - for use of their Mounted Heads.
D.Foxy - for their insights on Argonian architecture, and for asking important questions that needed to be asked.
Direwolf66 - for his interesting plant/flora concepts.
Disturbed742 - for use of the trees in their "Tree Resource Pack".
Dittomagnet - for use of their Argonian statue from their "Swampmoth Island" mod.
Django - for use of their deseased skin textures, in their "Django's Unique Features" mod.
DoZnet - for his work on Blackrose interiors & others, for redoing some clutter/misc item icons for us, Blackmarsh wine, for being the international link/translator to the Russian team, for his mossy clothes/robes sets.
DraconickDog - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod.
DrakenGuard - for his help on the Blackmarsh mod.
Dr.DeathDefing - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod.
DrMcCoy - for his help on the Blackmarsh mod.
Dyr Kriger - for their mounted heads.
Edolsian - for use of his new dungeon sets.
Elsweyr team - for use of several of their resources, including the "Easter Island" statue.
Elveon - for their work on the "Spider Creature" resource (original models and textures for it).
Eshenaleros - for his help on the Blackmarsh mod.
Evandar - for use of their weapons in "Prince Nuadas Weapons Modders Resource". (models)
Face - for his work on the "Wasted Rootworm" dungeon.
Ferimen - for use of their Wolven and Vexend races in their "Vexend Race" mod.
Finnjo - for use of their clothing.
Floydian1 - for use of their Gypsy wagon.
Fwp_coder - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod; a founding ancestor.
Gdarknight - for use of their weapons in "Prince Nuadas Weapons Modders Resource" (textures).
GGod - for a variety of meshes and textures, especially the Lilmoth Palace and several buildings.
Ghogiel - for use of his "Ghogiel's Armor" (his "Readme" for his mod, is included with our mod - please read this document for listing of other contributing members to his armor resource).
Gizmodian - for a new range of interior tapetries, "Bramble Wheel Tapetries."
Gnober - for use of their Baaz & Sivak race textures, in their "Draconian" mod"
GOOGLEPOX - for his help on the Blackmarsh mod.
Grimdeath - for use of some of the creatures in their "Lore Creature Expansion" modder's resource. (is project head and did CS construction work, texturing, souncds, etc).
Grimenir - for their work on the "Lore Creature Expansion" (quest, morphing script, etc).
Hanaisse - for her custom wall textures used in Gideon.
Hel Borne - for use of his "Argonian and Orc Zombies" creature resource, "Chitin Armor and Weapons" resource, "Imp Statue" resource, architecture, and most likely more.
Hollow Fang - for use of his "Cooked Critters" models/textures.
Horinf - for use of his tower model.
IAMTHEEMPEROR - for their help with the Blackmarsh mod; one of our founding ancestors.
Ibsen's Ghost - for leading Blackmarsh mod, his patience in grueling landscaping, interior house/dungeon modding, texturing, file management, & much more.
Iliana - for use of creatures from "Elsweyr: Deserts of Anequina" mod.
InoZenosis - for use of their clothing from "RavenWear Clothing" mod.
InsanitySorrow - for his scripting help (also involving Blackmarsh diseases & their effects), & for setting up helpful threads in BM (i.e. "Useful Tools" thread).
IronicEcho - for use of their tents in their "Echo_Tents" resource.
Jagnot - for their "Carny Tents" on http://oblivionsrealestate.com/
Jakhar - for fireplace and other textures used, in their "Pelagius Tileset 1.0", on www.PlanetOblivion.de
Jannix Quinn - for his potion bottles/wineskins/horn model in his "Modders Resource Potion Bottles".
JB3 - for his help in interior modding work (e.i. Blackrose interiors), his work on optimizing some models for us (chessboard, etc), for his eagerness to learn Oblivion modding knowledge.
JetpackAngel - interiors, cluttering and testing. Her play-test reports gave us lots of good laughs.
Jimi diGriz - for his help with meshes and eternal patience with AndalayBay's modding pasttime.
Jjiinx - for use of his Morrowind Style Argonians (changes their face to better match TES: III proportions).
Joey2K - for his help on the Blackmarsh mod, and for his help in locating resources for us.
Jquarl - for use of their mask meshes in the "Extravagant Masks" resource. (see Demonizzer, above). For the fox tail mesh in MrBobs resource (see MrBob, below).
Jucklesjenk - for his interior modding work (example: Stormhold's "Hole-in-Wall" bar interior).
Kaliq - fo their work on interiors, & for offering constructive criticism when appropriate.
Kamahl - for his help on the Blackmarsh mod.
Kevin - for use of his "Chess Set" mod's chess models; other auther is Sam.
Kingevil - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod, such as in interior & exterior design, speedtree donator (?) ; a founding ancestor.
Koldorn - for his contributions to the "Loreless Creature Pack 1" (e.i. swamp stalker); worked with Phitt on it.
Koniption - for her modeling/animating help, Nifskope knowledge & tweaks, covering when Ibsen was not available, & more.
Kukulza - for his awesome concepts (like the Dres Scuttler ship, which was later modeled), his help in leading Blackmarsh a few years ago, and more. A founding ancestor.
Lady Li - for a new range of interior tapetries, & upperclass beds ("Governor's bed"); Gobelino.
Lady Nerevar - for her concept art (like the shell armor concept), and for her advice and aid she gave to various Blackmarsh members. Also for the large set of custom book jackets, and her lore expertise and notes on "The Infernal City" book.
Lancillotto - for the use of any of his trees we might have used from Disturbed742's "Tree Resource Pack".
Leo Gura - for use of their mossy cave tileset & appropriate clutter in their "The Lost Spires" mod.
Lexton - for the Newscale armor in their "Lextons Newtscale Armour" mod.
lhammonds - for his "Readme Generator" that many of our resource sources used. It helped make tracking down who to credit in our mod, much easier.
LilaMue - for BTMoreEnemies
Llamaranger - for use of his cool models (e.i. Soulrest architecture, Kothringi models, various Argonian hut models, more), and for being part of the older original team a few years back as well.
LPS - for their creature(s) and weapon(s) concepts.
Lutemoth - for their creature concepts.
Madcat221 - for use of his meteoric iron weapons from his "Ayleid Meteoric Iron Weapons Mod Resource Pack".
Malachit - author of "UL: Colovian Highlands"; for use of the rocks made for his UL mod (see "RA II", below).
Malo - for use of the creature in their "Spider Creature" resource (did animations for it).
Manindahat - for their weapon concepts.
Martigen - for their work on the "Lore Creature Expansion" (did "summon script revisions"), of which we used parts in Blackmarsh.
MaxTael - for various sounds
Mdogger - for their work on "Lore Creatures Expansion" (did modeling/texturing of several creatures, etc).
Meo - for use of models from his "Meos Settlement - Resource" pack, and "Renovated Fort Ruins".
Mercer Meka - for overhauling our ingredients and balancing our levelled lists
Mick McDee - for allowing Koniption to model his fantasy/sci-fi plant and creature concepts, such as his "Elefantenbein" plant (trans: "Elephant Leg"). Check out Mick's gallery on Deviant Art!: http://mickmcdee.deviantart.com/
Mighty Joe Young - for assorted architectural items from Speckled Guar's website.
Mikal33 - for their work on the "Spider Creature" resource (did hairy versions of it).
Mizreg - for his interior modding help/etc, learning of & help with questing/scripting.
Morcroft - for his work on & donation of speedtree models, for his modeling work & use of some of his models (e.i. Blackrose interiors, seashells, etc), and more.
Morsyth - for his modeling work (e.i. his Crocodile helmet - in the end, this helmet turned out pretty neat).
MrBob - for use of his "Lilmothiit" race skins/textures, in his "MrBobs Oblivion Modders Resource". Also thanks to Jcarl for the fox tail mesh.
Mr. Siika - for use of his models (rocks, Necropolis tileset, Durzog creature, ravens & vultures, fisherboat, "Lilmoth City" tileset, and probably more).
Nekronom - for use of his "Saurian" character skins.
Nero - for his work on Chasepoint interiors.
Nick_op - for his help, tutelage, and work on animated stuff; for his sexy "Serpentine Emmanuel" poster.
Orix - for their work on the "Lore Creature Expansion" (sounds, etc).
PacificMorrowind - for use of his creatures.
Phaerus - for use of his Turil church model in his "TurilChurch01" resource, for models used in Lilmoth city.
PhiniusMaster - for his help on the Blackmarsh mod.
Phitt - for use of many of his models ("Phitt's Fishtanks", "Loreless Creature Pack 1" <e.i. swamp stalker>, "Phitt's Artifacts", items from "Phitt's Sheogorad Modder's Resources", "Mudwater' mod assets, Velothi and Dagon Fel architectures, and much more).
Piscasis - for his concept artwork, and his help on the Blackmarsh mod.
Prometheus_ts - for use of some of his original "DUNE" mod models (e.i. desert lizard runner <and runner mount>, Glyptodon, desert lizard mount, and probably more). He is the original founder of the "DUNE" mod. Textured the Iguana Mount. Also, see "DarknessEternal", further above in credits.
Psychotic - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod; a founding ancestor.
qwertyasdfgh - for his various models and modelling fixes
Ra5946 - for modeling the meshes for the "Thornite" creature, and providing UV mapping and texture samples for it.
RAII - for use of his rock models, made for "UL: Colovian Highlands" mod (see "Malachit", above). Also for use of his mine tileset.
Raistlin2002 - for use of some of the models used from his "Aezarka Mesh Resources" pack.
Razorwing - for use of his 'agora" model, hosting the Blackmarsh project on his forums, the 3D knowledge he parted to others, his "Forgotten Forest" & "Black Gum" trees from Silgrad Tower.
Reaper - for his scary fish concept (not modeled, yet).
Remux Dreadfire - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod, a few years back; one of the founding ancestors.
Renzeekin - for their work on the "Lore Creature Expansion" (tropical skin, etc)
Rickious - for making us some fantastic concept artwork, and for his modeling work (even that which did not survive). He is especially known for his brainstorming, concepts of, and work on the older version of Murkwood city.
SACarrow - for the sitting cushion and hammock setups, & for modeling help and knowledge he gave to others on the Blackmarsh team, and most likely more.
Sachiel - for use of his models (Argonian stone head, big cave for Glok-Chuba village, cave pieces/tilesets, more), & retexturing of rocks.
Sam - for use of his "Chess Set" mod's chess models; other auther is Kevin.
sandor - for his merging of our esps into the BM esm, for his upkeep and admin job at Silgrad Tower, for generating landscapes, and more.
Scanti - for creating/coding "The Conformulator" utility.
ScruggsyWuggsyTheFerret - for helping out with various scripting issues (OBSE, etc), and helping solve some strange collision detection issues in an animated set-up.
Secretstamos - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod; a founding ancestor. Helped with concept art (?)
SeLePN - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod.
Senten - deserves special credits (and our memory); he modeled many impressive flora items for Blackmarsh, modeled other notable objects (Glenbridge Guard House, etc.), made speedtree trees/bushes for us, other architecture, and more.
shadeMe - for making the wonderful Construction Set Extender (CSE), which makes modding so much easier and faster.
ShadowGame - for his eye-popping work on the Hist Shrines models, cohorting with us "lizard freaks", his custom totems for us, and his still pending work on some tribal masks.
Shanasha - for her creative writing and quest ideas.
Siegfried - for some assets used in our Darkmoor and Parchlands regions, & palmetto trees. For his "Charred Oak" & "Valenwood" trees.
SilverAlchemist - for his work on Wrothwyll Fen.
Simonp92 - for their help with the Blackmarsh mod.
Snusmumriken - for BTMoreEnemies and various other creatures
SoK - for his help on the Blackmarsh mod, and for his new city banners.
Speckled Guar - for some fishing junk.
Spoonov - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod.
Stealtrecon - for offering to help work on the Blackmarsh trailer, and his advice on the same.
Stroti - for his banners, furniture items (i.e. outdoors lavatory), dice, hollow rocks for our East coast, and a few other items).
SwedishFish - for his help on the Blackmarsh mod, a few years back.
Syko Fox - for their work on the "Lore Creature Expansion" (did writing/editing), of which we used parts in Blackmarsh.
t3h_pwn3r3r_ii - for his interior modding work (Mendel's house, Blackrose interiors, more), and more.
Tamriel Rebuilt - for use of their Argonian concept art, from which our "Chokeflower" flora was based (permission gotten from Haplo).
Tarnsman - for use of their wogs (in their "Wogs" mod), & for their "woghorns".
Texian - for use of his animated water meshes (shoreline, river, etc).
TheFilthySpaniard - for his abundant patience in helping us with misc scripting questions/issues, his work on our quicksand setup/scripts, for his Ghost Busters avatar (inside joke, per Koniption), and probably more.
The Grey Wizard - for his help on the Blackmarsh mod a few years back, such as in exterior development. A founding ancestor.
TheModaxJago - for his work on the Garuda race (modeling, texturing, etc).
Themythofstrider - for the Shamanic Skull Amulet, in their "Vvardenfell Imports" mod, and probably more; for appropriate clutter & decor, from same.
The Old Ye Bard - for his help on Blackmarsh mod, a few years back & current.
ThreeDog - for his help on Blackmarsh mod.
Throttlekitty - for his help in explaining how to use "The Conformulator" utility.
Tlo1048 - for his leadership of the Blackmarsh mod, when the older original team ruled a few years ago.
Tnilc - for use of his "Argonian Hide Armor" mod.
ToaVak - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod.
Trollf - for use of his "Armamentarium" resource (v1.1) (including subparts: Armor & Weapons v1.0, Staffs v1.0), "Farmers Strike Back", "Artifacts 1-1",
Vacuity - for use of his mesmerizing (yet often lethal) "Spirits & Ephemerals" creature "wisps" pack, and for his underwater bubbles particle effect.
Vahiriae - for use of their clothing from their "Vahis Wardrobe" mod.
Vincent - for various modelling tasks
Vintra - for his Sarpa nest homes and clutter, and other models.
Visman - for use of his "shamanic skeletal throne" (a chair).
Vorians (display name is already in use) - for his help in fixing up the Black Marsh master plugin and his help in creating the world map for Black Marsh. Also various modelling fixes.
Waalx - for the use of many of his creatures in his "Waalx Animals & Creatures" mod. Also for use of some of the weapons in his "Realswords" mod collection.
WaffleIronMan - for his help on the Blackmarsh mod.
Washington - for use of their Fort Swampmoth models.
WhiteWizard - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod; a founding ancestor.
Xae - for his music & sound genius, the soundtracks he composed for Blackmarsh, his cool sign concepts & texturing thereof, and more.
XJDHDR - for his scripting knowledge, and scripting help he gave Blackmarsh.
XMarksTheSpot - for their work on the "Lore Creature Expansion" resource (did rigging for several creatures, etc). For the help and knowledge he gave many modders over the years, such as in animation-related tasks.
XXMagma5 - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod.
Ysne58 - preliminary testing
Zabvenie - for their help on the Blackmarsh mod.
Zaneeba_slave - for his talented "organic" modeling skills in ZBrush, use of his sload model, his tortoise model (not in game yet), his gecko model used for a quest, and his effort on the Plague Dr. mask/hat (though he lost this work).

Thanks to all those who have supported our mod & offered ideas/suggestions for anything used in our mod.

Credits: Websites -

AnnieMation.com (various textures, mostly flora): (http://www.anniemation.com/)
CGTextures (for various textures): (http://www.cgtextures.com/)
Davegh.com (various textures): (http://www.davegh.com/)
Filter Forge (various textures): (http://www.filterforge.com/)
Forest & Kim Starr (various tree & flora textures): (http://www.hear.org/starr/images/?o=plants), under this license: (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
Image After (various textures): (http://www.imageafter.com/textures.php)
Infinite Fish (various textures, seamless): (http://infinitefish.com/textures/index.php?page=1)
Mark Hall of "biomes.blog.typepad.com" (for the "fish guts" texture): (http://biomesblog.typepad.com/the_biomes_blog/2006/05/entry_880.html) (perm. via email)
Mayang's Free texture Library (for various textures): (http://mayang.com/textures/)
morgueFile (various textures): (http://www.morguefile.com/)
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin./Depart. of Commerce (various textures): (http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/)
(Terms of Use, read here: http://www.photolib.noaa.gov/aboutimages.html)
Rock and Water (for coral textures): (http://www.rockandwater.com/) (permission gotten by Koniption, via email)
TESModdersDen (for use of "any and all resources from the Harvest Flora project" -Dejunai, via email)
Tim & Bobbi Hamill - "Hamill Gallery" (various tribal textures): (http://www.hamillgallery.com/index.html) (permission given to Koniption, via email)
The Imperial Library (to research lore): (http://www.imperial-library.info/)
Wayne's Word (lots of flora and creature info): (http://waynesword.palomar.edu/index.htm)
Wikimedia (various textures, public domain): (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page)
Wikipedia (for researching stuff): (http://www.wikipedia.org/)


Black Marsh is not a province mod with a couple of quests thrown in. Black Marsh is a story that requires an entire province to tell it.

Edited by Ibsen3
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  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to thank everyone who have given us their support and are helping us with testing. We have gotten lots of response to the alpha and are getting a lot of excellent feedback.


Ibsen and I are brainstorming the third quest in the main questline, which I'm pretty excited about because it's going to have more cool stuff and will tie more things together. :D


We've uncovered one major bug in the first alpha which I'll have fixed in the next. There is a work-around, so that's not holding anything up.


Thanks again everyone!

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If you are helping to test the alpha, please read the OP of the WIP/Alpha thread and the Alpha sign-up thread on TAL. Any issues you find, please post on TAL per the instructions in the alpha sign-up thread.


If you're just wondering how you access Black Marsh, there's a special transportation method.

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  • 2 months later...

Work continues on the next alpha. We've fixed most of the bugs reported in the first alpha and have a bunch of other fixes as well. I still need to add a couple more quests and Ibsen has written the script for the third quest in the main quest line. That won't be ready for the next alpha, however.


I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all our alpha testers. We got a ton of excellent reports that made going through and fixing all this stuff so much easier.


We're still in desperate need of modellers. If you've got a talent for creating architecture or creatures, please let us know.

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  • 2 months later...

Quick update: lots of fixes happening all over the mod as we work to neutralise errors for the next alpha release. AndalayBay is covering a whole range of areas whilst I mainly focus on making the Eastern half of the map look more presentable. As we had mentioned, the plan was not to release the Eastern half of the map with any degree of proper landscaping but that has since changed. The Eastern half will certainly be less polished than the West but it shouldn't be too obvious anymore and should prove to be of a playable quality. I've been merging the regions so as to minimise texture errors and noticeable seams and transitions besides sorting out the watery zones where texture errors were occurring. Also, I might actually be able to make the rather-complex-to-landscape Vudai Marshes (marsh poppies!) and Throttlemesh Myre (mangroves!) much more convincing. The progress isn't pretty and doesn't lend itself well to screenshots but it's very much needed right now.

Edited by Ibsen3
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  • 5 weeks later...

Time for an update:


Ibsen and I both had a lot of real life stuff to deal with lately that prevented any work getting done, but we're both back at it now. Mercer got the ingredient overhaul done, so that will be in the next alpha and qwerty got some models done so those will be included too. We've done a ton of bug fixes and Ibsen has been working on the eastern landscaping, so things should look a lot more polished in the next alpha.


I built myself a new machine, which is really nice, but I'm still trying to get some software licenses sorted. Hopefully that will be done shortly and I can get back to working on the quests. Once I've added a couple more quests, I'll merge everyone's patches and we'll release the next alpha. I keep giving a time line and keep missing it. *sigh* We'll try again for the end of July.

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