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any mod for the realistic nights (NOT BLACK PITCH NIGHTS)


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i'm lookin the mod for the realistic nights

don't recommend this mods because i can't adjust brightness of these modes


Climates of Tamriel (there are 7 lightning options but all the SAME)

RCRN (even the pure and classis preset is the SAME)

Realistic Nights (i can make bright or pitch black. Not in the middle)


my objective is NOT pitch black, i want to reduced sight at the night.

Edited by VulcanTR
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well, your question is kind of oximoronic... "realistic" dark night in a world without electricity kind of implies pitch black if there are no lights present... have you ever gone far from a city and walked outside in the middle of the night? It's pitch black. lol

ANYWAYS, you probably want something like ULO. It's a sweetfx mod, which is an after effect shader, so it won't work if you have an ENB (but it's nothing like an ENB, it keeps your FPS intact and can run on low power machines perfectly fine)

Here is a link to it;

Here is a link to a preset I made for it that is specifically designed for realistically dark nights

also, if the nights still don't look right, simply open up "Sweetfx_settings.txt" and look for a section that looks like this;
/ Lift Gamma Gain settings /
#define RGB_Lift float3(0.995, 0.995, 0.995) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust shadows for Red, Green and Blue
#define RGB_Gamma float3(0.975, 0.975, 0.980) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust midtones for Red, Green and Blue
#define RGB_Gain float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust highlights for Red, Green and Blue


Edit the text in red to edit the lights and shadows.

The top line (Lift) is shadows, the bottom line (Gain) is lights, and the center line (Gamma) is neutrally lit areas, or midtones. It's best to keep each set of numbers in a line the same, or very close to one another, or you could end up making everything look really funny colors. This comes from mine, and my blue is slightly offset because I use a mod that replaces my sun with a blue sun. ALSO, don't change the numbers insane amounts. Stick to 0.01~0.005 intervals, if you go up to say, 0.5 changes you can really make your game look freaky and weird.



OH, and lastly, CoT has a LOT of options for darker nights, they are by FAR not all the same, I use CoT combined with the above mod and ELFX to make my nights super realistic (though they are very dark, you can easily edit that with the SweetFX mod I mentioned above) I highly suggest you give it a second shot. ^_^ Realistic Nights also goes great with CoT, it makes the light sources look more like they actually emit light again. lol

Edited by ArtMurder
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ah thanks i'm trying to combine few mods (some of them pitch black and some of them bright i'm trying to real dark nights with combining them :D) because my problems


* Damn it's a pitch black i can't see ANYTHING

* Damn it's not dark enough. Still i can see somethings at the far away


my objective is far regions is pitch black BUT i want to see AT LEAST 4 or 5 meters front of me

Edited by VulcanTR
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I've been working on getting 'perfect' nights for a while. I personally use CoT level 2 for outdoor lighting, Enhanced Lighting and FX for indoor lighting, the ULO preset I just linked you to, and Realistic Nights. If I don't have a torch I get maybe 2~3 meters of visibility at night, but 5~ish meters of decent visibility with a torch, in dungeons, if there are no light sources my screen is literally pitch black (I was going for this though, I like making skyrim a survival horror game, lol) but pull out a torch and I get a good 5~ish meters of good visibility.


The only issue I have with this is, anything that's solid white, like snow, or some trees, has a slight 'glow in the dark' effect to it I'm not to fond of.. This seems to be caused by Realistic Nights though I believe.

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if you're working on i want to make suggestions.


i'm a hardcore roleplayer and immersion is very important for me and in my opinion ideal darkness color is nor pitch black, neither bright.


by the way i realized there's differencies between first and third person but i don't care third person because it's killing my immersion for this reason i'll try to explain for the first person


if i realized darkness, i wasn't see anything but if i have a torch or lantern, at least i want to see 4 or 5 meters but main problem is ENEMIES because if i can't see the 5 meters far away, same as the him.


yes i wanted to play at pitch black but i know my enemies can see me at greater distances


main problem is very realistic is unfair but if someone wants to create "perfect realistic mod" they must pay attention of the enemies sight radius


i hope i can explain myself with my bad english

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That would take some serious scripting to adjust random NPC's perception and agro radius for a mod like that if it has a gradual decrease/increase at dusk and dawn.


My main issue with dark night mods is when the 2 moons are up in the sky. A "realistic" darker night mod does not take a moon into acount. When there is a full moon theres is plenty of light to see and pretty close to vanilla skyrim visibility. If theres a full moon above my head and everything is so dark I cant see 5 meters in any direction then the lighting mod is not realistic and makes the game look terrible. On the other hand, no moon and vanilla nights it is too bright.

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I don't find realistic unfair, but then again, I play my game 'super hardcore'. I use requiem, with the damage turned up 50%, and Locational Damage, and Revenge of the Enemies for the basic core of my game as is, so "to hard" isn't in my modding language XD Also, most enemies don't trigger an attack until, say, ten meters away, and if you are carrying a torch then they can see you from like, 100+ meters away easily. It's like, a giant glowing beacon screaming "HERE I AM COME SMACK ME OVER THE HEAD WITH A HAMMER AND TAKE MY GOLD" ... Now a mod that realistic adjusted how enemies see you in the dark would be an awesome idea though, but again, the game already kinda does this to a slight extent, while it doesn't care about the ambient light, if there is basically no light being cast on you, then enemies are less likely to attack you because you are 'hidden', BUT skyrim's sneaking/hiding system is far from perfect, so an in-depth overhaul of how enemies target in dark situations would be an awesome mod idea. Some enemies, like khajiit, vampires, werewolves, etc, should logically be able to see you just fine at night, regardless.


Sadly, this would require scripting, and my skills end at the ability to make and edit textures and patch and combine mods. =[ Scripting is way out of my league.

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Pitch black IS realistic. Except in an open tundra, with snow and a full moon, nights are black. This doesn't hold in the modern world because we have a ton of artificial light sources, which brighten the night and reflect off of clouds. If you delve into the wilderness, though, visibility reaches zero.


CoT's options are hugely different, and realistic nights has brighter options too. The first level of darker nights for CoT is barely any darker than vanilla, while level 6 and up are pitch black. You've probably got your monitor or game brightness f***ed up if you can't find anything between pitch black and vanilla brightness.

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