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Buyable Display Cases


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I don't think anyone has created this yet so i wanted to know if anyone would be helpful enough to create buyable display cases that you could place anywhere. Hopefully this will be made quickly, please PM me if someone takes up this idea :)
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I know in Morrowind if you sell a helmet to a merchant that has no helmet on, he/she will equip the helmet.


Maybe it would be possible to make not a Container type object but an NPC type object that would auto equip any items given to it and would still let you unequip them (a problem with selling helmets in morrowind was that you had to kill the merchant to get them back :P ).


The other problem with that would be putting the display case (manikin maybe?) in your inventory...


I'll play around with it some.

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Well, there are Mannequins for Fallout 3. I haven't seen a display case mod though. Not sure which I'd prefer, really.


I think there's a new mannequin mod in the works, coulda swore I saw a "Mannequins Extended" a little while back but I can't find it now.

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Thanks for the help but I already have the Mannequins, hopefully I will find the next version soon :D

I just want to be able to buy the display cases that are already in the game and be able to place them like the mannequins

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