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How Many Mods do u have ?


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mine fluctuates anywhere between 150 to 100 depending on what I keep for my own own game and all the betas i work on with Montana and the rest of the team. I also DL mods of interest to see if I like them, good ones stay, not so good go.
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well , some players (at least me) , avoid quest mods , considering (again , at least me) that Oblivion offers way too much more hours to play . With my new character I already played 20 hours , and haven't finished the main quest yet (DB quests done , though). :biggrin:


I love quest mods that's why i downloaded Lost Spires and i'm downloading heart of dead now. Hope it's worth

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How can u have so many mosd but u dun have Lost Spires?!

well the main reason that i don't check all quests on nexus and other that it will be pain in the @ss if some thing goes wrong...i need to check ALL mods to find what mod cause error and etc. then try to fix it

i already spend a week fixing thouserrors,and even now i have some :-( like npc walking on one spot (like they overweight) reload fix that but not for long...now i'm searching for source of this.

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