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Knights of the nine - no vision!


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Hello there, I seem to have some issues with my Knights of the nine game, I started the questline and spoke to the prophet, it told me I had to pray at all the wayshrines. NO PROBLEM, I thought so I did that.


Now, I have done all that but I am standing there at the last one without the next part of the quest actually kicking in......



anyone know how to fix this?


thanks beforehand ;)

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A couple of possible causes present themselves ... from the UESP Wiki for Pilgrimage (first from the Notes section, second from Bugs):



If at any point during this questline you receive more than one Infamy point, you will have to complete the Pilgrimage again.



One shrine may identify itself as belonging to a different god (e.g. It may say Dibella at one of Arkays).
You will need to go to another wayshrine of the god to get the blessing.
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